When I submit a java job (include some  map/reduce jobs) in the hue UI using oozie Editor,  the third party jars are not loaded correctly.   1. the only success way i used is to build a fat jar which contains all dependency classes in thrid party jars.        2.If I export my application jar ...
三种特殊权限简介SUID当一个设置了SUID 位的可执行文件被执行时,该文件将以所有者的身份运行,也就是说无论谁来执行这个文件,他都有文件所有者的特权。如果所有者是 root 的话,那么执行人就有超级用户的特权了。SGID当 ...
http://oss.sgi.com/projects/xfs/papers/xfs_usenix/index.html http://www.computerweekly.com/podcast/Big-data-storage-Defining-big-data-and-the-type-of-storage-it-needs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4580862/large-scale-image-storage     FACEBOOK http://sns.linuxpk.com/space.php?uid=45354&a ...
Download #git clone https://github.com/uglide/RedisDesktopManager.gitor from http://redisdesktop.com/download   #sudo dpkg -i redis-desktop-manager_0.7.6.8_amd64_ubuntu.deb #/usr/share/redis-desktop-manager/bin/rdm   ============= RedisAdminUI download from https://github.com/ServiceStack/ ...
 Solr supports the creation of multiple Solr cores, each of which contains a unique Solr index. Each core can bedefined to use different configuration files, including schema.xml. When an aggregated search across multiple cores occurs, each of the Solr cores searches its own data using its own conf ...
              References http://virusswb.blog.51cto.com/115214/792897 http://blog.51yip.com/nosql/1580.html http://chenzhou123520.iteye.com/blog/1641319

Solr: AutoSuggester

  • Solr
                  References https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/solr/Suggester http://www.chepoo.com/solr-suggest-apply.html  
The Handler has to be registered in the solrconfig.xml as follows. <requestHandler name="/dataimport" class="org.apache.solr.handler.dataimport.DataImportHandler"> <lst name="defaults"> <str name="config">/home/username/data-con ...


  • Java
Jersey RESTful Web Services in Java   In my situation, Our team want to get chinese text tokenized result by JCSEG Tokenizer. After some thoughts, I dediced to provide them a restful api to meet them demands. The jersey framwork is the first option to my situation. Steps 1. In Eclipse, cre ...
One way organizations have tried to enhance this traditional search experience is by building profiles of theirusers in order to be able to provide more personalized search results to them based upon locations, categories, or other interests known about the users.

Solr: SolrCloud

  • Solr
Distributed indexing Document shard assignment A document is assigned to one and only one shard per collection. Solr uses a component called a document router to determine which shard a document should be assigned to. There are two basic document-routing strategies supported by SolrCloud: composi ...
 Because of the wide variations between languages, there is not a single, consistent model to follow when defining a field in Solr to properly handle a language. Some languages require their own stemming filters, others require multiple filters to handle different language characteristics (such as no ...
Solr allows you to create multiple search indexes, each of which is represented by a Solr core. It is possible to partition your content across multiple Solr indexes (called sharding), as well as to create multiple copies of any partition of the data (called replication).   Choosing to shard Shar ...
Install Mongo-Connector pip install mongo-connector pip uninstall mongo-connector     git clone https://github.com/10gen-labs/mongo-connector.git cd mongo-connector python setup.py install   modify doc_managers/solr_doc_manager.py from mongo_connector import errors #from mongo_connector. ...
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