
Solr: Sharding and replication

  • Solr

Solr allows you to create multiple search indexes, each of which is represented by a Solr core. It is possible to partition your content across multiple Solr indexes (called sharding), as well as to create multiple copies of any partition of the data (called replication).


Choosing to shard

Sharding can be useful if you have too many documents to comfortably handle on a single server.



The number of shards has nothing to do with fault tolerance. It is strictly to help scale as the size of your collection of documents grows.In general, there are five primary factors you need to consider when decid-
ing on how many shards you need:

  1. Total number of documents
  2. Document size
  3. Required indexing throughput
  4. Query complexity
  5. Expected growth


Choosing to replicate

If your Solr cluster can handle 100 queries per second but your application needs to support 150 queries per second, you have a problem. Rather than breaking your index into additional partitions (adding shards), you would want to create multiple identical copies of your index and load balance traffic across each of the copies.

 Master server’s solrconfig.xml


<requestHandler name="/replication" class="solr.ReplicationHandler">
<lst name="master">
<str name="enable">true</str>
<str name="replicateAfter">commit</str>
<str name="replicateAfter">optimize</str>
<str name="replicateAfter">startup</str>



Slave server’s solrconfig.xml

<requestHandler name="/replication" class="solr.ReplicationHandler">
<lst name="slave">
<str name="enable">true</str>
<str name="masterUrl">
<str name="pollInterval">00:00:15</str>



At this point you know how to scale Solr to handle either more content (by sharding) or more query load (by replicating). If you are lucky enough to have both a large dataset and a large number of users trying to query your data, however, you may need to set up a cluster utilizing both sharding and replication. If you often have a large amount of indexing going, you may also want to separate your indexing operation and your query operation onto separate servers.



As you can tell from figure 12.5, setting up a Solr cluster to handle both sharding and replication can quickly become a maintenance nightmare. Querying load balancing between multiple manually defined Solr cores and ensuring replication is configured and enabled between each Solr core on the slave servers and the associated Solr core on the master server can become complex quickly. If you ever have a failure in one of your nodes, it can cause multiple nodes in the cluster to fail. If the single master server in figure 12.5 fails, for example, the entire cluster will stop receiving updates. Likewise, if one slave fails, any other slaves trying to run a distributed search dependent upon the failed slave will also fail their queries.

Thankfully, SolrCloud was created to take over management of these kinds of complexities for you.
























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    2. **分布式搜索**:通过Sharding和Replication,Solr可以在多台服务器上构建大规模的搜索集群,实现数据的分散存储和并行处理。 3. **多字段类型支持**:Solr允许为不同的字段定义不同的数据类型,如text、int、...


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    - **分布式搜索**:通过Sharding和Replication,Solr可以分布在网络中的多台机器上,处理大规模数据并提高查询性能。 - **可扩展性**:Solr支持添加新的字段类型和处理链,可以根据需求定制化搜索功能。 - **XML/...


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    通过Sharding和Replication,可以将大型数据集分布在多个服务器上,提高查询性能和系统的容错能力。 3. **Cloud模式**:SolrCloud是Solr 4引入的新特性,它允许Solr实例在Apache ZooKeeper的协调下组成集群。这样,...


    2. 高效处理大数据:Solr 7引入了更强大的分布式搜索能力,通过Sharding和Replication,可以将大型数据集分散到多个节点上,实现水平扩展,确保在大数据量下的高性能。 3. 实时索引:Solr支持实时索引,这意味着...

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