<Error> <Security> <BEA-090870> <The realm "myrealm" failed to be loaded: weblogic.secu
error reason: mutiple IP binding in your localhost address
solution: appoint a definite IP address instead localhost
Listing some useful plus-ins for eclipse
SVN: http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x
STRUTS2: http://mvcwebproject.sourceforge.net/update
JQuery: http://www.spket.com/update
症状:ORA-12154错误, Net Management设置正确,测试也能正确连接。
环境:Orcale10g DB/Client
1、开始 -> Oracle - OraDb10g_home1 -> 配置和移植工具 -> Net Configuration Assistant
2、本地Net服务名配置 -> 重新配置 -> ...
参考资料: http://zhenggm.iteye.com/blog/592359