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• The screen must support at least 96 x 54 pixels. • There must be at least one type of user input available: one-handed keyboard (telephone keypad), two-handed keyboard (typical QWERTY keyboard) or a touch screen. • 128 kilobytes non-volatile memory to run Mobile Information Device (MID) components. ...
They allow greater test coverage than functional tests. u Tey enable teamwork. They prevent regression and limit the need for debugging. They give us the courage to refactor. They improve the implementation design. They serve as the developer’s documentation. They’re fun!
XP is a lightweight methodology that focuses on coding as the main task. XP is based on four values: communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage. Communication is facilitated through pair programming, task estimation, iteration planning, and more. Simplicity means avoiding making things overly c ...
大大小小的程序加起来大概也上万行了吧  。 现在的问题是程序代码在1000行以上时,或者类的个数大于10时就很难把握程序的结构,不知道怎么把所有的类组织起来。即使组织起来,自己也也觉得垃圾  。  大概是设计模式方面经验欠缺吧 ,打算抽出一段时间学习设计模式。  大概也不什么坏事。说明自己正进步中。。   呵呵 自我陶醉一下
经过漫长的三天终于在javaeye安家落户了   。  最近几周来一直在看xp方面的书籍  包括junit  ,ant, cvs等知识 现做一下简单总结 1  junit     apache开源项目  可在apache下载  junit。jar  .   这个jar包包括完整的单元测试框架和一个可执行程序     junit 框架包含的主要类有 test ,testcase ,testResult,testRunner,testSuite    2.cvs  类似linux下的make  (make也不怎么明白,准备学习一下)         3.ant    build. ...
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