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  • 来自: 杭州
The six core effects Effect.Opacity, Effect.Scale, Effect.Morph, Effect.Move, Effect.Highlight and Effect.Parallel are the foundation of the script.aculo.us Visual Effects Java Script library. Syntax The basic syntax to start an effect is: new Effect.EffectName( element, required-params, [options ...
This is a special effect to allow to combine more than one core effect into a parallel effect. It’s the only effect that doesn’t take an element as first parameter, but an array of subeffects. 作用 :联合多个效果核心效果的特殊作用。唯一一个效果没有把element作为第一个参数,而是一系列效果。 Syntax new Effect.Parallel([array of subeffects], [op ...
所谓的高亮显示就在这里了! This effect Flashes a color as the background of an element. It is mostly used to draw attention to a part of the page that has been updated via javascript or AJAX, when the update would not otherwise be obvious. Availability script.aculo.us V1.0 and later. Syntax new Effect.High ...
This effect moves an element. Effect.MoveBy is older name. This will move object to corner of the window (x=0; y=0): new Effect.Move (obj,{ x: 0, y: 0, mode: 'absolute'}); This will move object 30px up and 20px to the right (the default mode is ‘relative’): new Effect.Move (obj,{ x: 20, y: - ...
This effect changes the CSS properties of an element. Simple : $('morph_example').morph('background:#080;color:#fff'); Complex : new Effect.Morph('error_message',{ style:'background:#f00; color:#fff;'+ 'border: 20px solid #f88; font-size:2em', duration:0.8 }); Style as a ha ...
This effect changes an elements width and height dimensions and the base for em units. This allows for smooth, automatic relative scaling of elements contained within the scaled element. 此效果基于em单位改变元素的宽度和高度尺寸。允许平滑的自动的缩放元素。 用法 :new Effect.Scale('id_of_element', percent, [options]);   new Effect.Scal ...
This effect changes an element’s opacity (transparency). 作用 :改变元素透明度 例子 :new Effect.Opacity('id_of_element', {duration:0.5,from:1.0,to:0.7}); Will fade the element from 100% to 70% over the space of 1/2 second. Microsoft Internet Explorer can only set opacity on elements that have a ‘layout’ --&g ...
c:import 方便在多个jsp页面聚合相同的请求 在使用过程中遇到一些问题 例如在未登录状态下访问一个需要登录的页面,系统自动跳转到登录页面,登录后自动转向原请求页面,但是此时访问页面中由c:import引入的数据无法显示,手动刷新此页面即正常。当然这个问题可以通过其他方式绕过。不知道有什么办法可以解决这个问题
october 2007: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Bis WG (httpbis) came to life. http://www.w3.org/Protocols/ Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616.html http://mina.apache.org/
http://www.yijian.com/view_blog.do?user=ada&id=8129 <c:forEach>标签的使用 2007年03月10日 15:46<c:forEach>标签的使用 在JSP的开发中,迭代是经常要使用到的操作。例如,逐行的显示查询的结果等。在早期的JSP中,通常使用Scriptlets来实现Iterator或者Enumeration对象的迭代输出。现在,通过JSTL的迭代标签可以在很大的程度上简化迭代操作。          JSTL所支持的迭代标签有两个,分别是<c:forEach>和<c:forT ...
http://wiki.apache.org/struts/StrutsFileDownload http://blog.csdn.net/Airv/archive/2007/05/14/1607896.aspx
Google: Cluster Computing and MapReduce This submission contains video lectures and related course materials from a series of lectures that was taught to Google software engineering interns during the Summer of 2007. http://code.google.com/edu/content/submissions/mapreduce-minilecture/listing.html ...
http://highscalability.com/sharding-hibernate-way To scale you are supposed to partition your data. Sounds good, but how do you do it? When you actually sit down to work out all the details it’s not that easy. Hibernate Shards to the rescue! Hibernate shards is: an extension to the core Hibernate pr ...
引用 http://www.iteye.com/topic/148055?page=2 JavaEye网站的数据库设计是面向对象为中心的设计,但是拿三大范式来衡量,大部分设计都是吻合的,而我们的数据库缓存命中率在90%左右。缓存服务器的流量是数据库服务器流量的2.5倍之多。事实上我们有很多地方的查询尽量避免join,宁可让他n+1,这样速度反而更快,缓存命中率更高。 例如我们现在把帖子的内容字段拆分出来,单独放在一个post_texts表里面。这样posts表实际上只有35MB,而post_texts表有1GB。每次显示一个post,都会用主键去load post_text,命中缓冲。不需 ...
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