This effect Flashes a color as the background of an element. It is mostly used to draw attention to a part of the page that has been updated via javascript or AJAX, when the update would not otherwise be obvious.
script.aculo.us V1.0 and later.
new Effect.Highlight('id_of_element', [options]);
new Effect.Highlight(element, [options]);
Effect-specific parameters
Option Description
startcolor Sets the color of first frame of the highlight the highlight.
Defaults to ”#ffff99” (light yellow)
endcolor Sets the color of the last frame of the highlight. This is best set to the background color of the highlighted element.
Defaults to ”#ffffff” (white)
restorecolor Sets the background color of the element after the highlight has finished.
Defaults to the current background-color of the highlighted element (see Note)
If the restorecolor option is not given, Effect.Highlight tries to find out the current background color of the element, which will only work reliably across browsers if the color is given with a CSS rgb triplet, like rgb(0, 255, 0).
Be aware of the synatx: this effect strictly requires a “new” in front, otherwise you will get a javascript error.
If you specify the startcolor or endcolor using short-form notation, as in #ccf, the effect will fail silently. Use the long-form, as in #ccccff.
new Effect.Highlight('my_field', {startcolor:'#ff99ff', endcolor:'#999999'})
Remember you can pass a DOM element to the element parameter..
new Effect.Highlight(this,{duration: 0.5});
script.aculo.us框架是构建在prototype之上的JavaScript脚本库,它的定位就是帮助开发人员快速有效地创建页面展示及操作的特效。 对于中小型的Ajax应用项目应用项目而言,prototype+script.aculo.us是一个非常不错的...
**script.aculo.us库介绍** `script.aculo.us`是一个基于JavaScript的库,它扩展了浏览器的HTML元素,为Web开发者提供了丰富的用户界面组件和动态效果。这个库是Prototype JavaScript框架的一部分,它使得创建交互...
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**script.aculo.us框架详解** `script.aculo.us`是一个基于JavaScript库的用户界面效果和交互框架,它在Web开发领域扮演着重要角色,尤其在增强用户体验方面。这个框架是AJAX(Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)...
### JavaScript框架Script.aculo.us知识点概述 #### 一、简介 Script.aculo.us是一个功能强大的JavaScript库,专注于提供丰富的用户界面交互效果与控制组件。它最初是为Ruby on Rails项目设计的,但其灵活的设计使...
### Prototype.js 和 Script.aculo.us 知识点详解 #### 一、Prototype.js 概述 **Prototype.js** 是一个非常优雅的 JavaScript 基础类库,它为原生 JavaScript 提供了大量的扩展,使开发者能够更加高效地进行 Web ...
《Pragmatic Prototype and script.aculo.us Dec.2007》是一份关于JavaScript和Prototype库的教程资料,发布于2007年12月。这个资源旨在帮助开发者更高效地利用这两种技术来创建交互式的Web应用。JavaScript是一种...
### Practical Prototype and Script.aculo.us:深入学习JavaScript框架Prototype #### 概述 《Practical Prototype and script.aculo.us》是一本由Prototype框架的作者Andrew Dupont编写的书籍,主要介绍如何利用...
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**前端项目-scriptaculous.zip** 是一个包含script.aculo.us库的压缩文件,这是一个历史悠久的JavaScript库,专门用于提升Web应用程序的用户界面效果。在Web开发领域,前端项目通常是涉及HTML、CSS和JavaScript的...