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一不小心和 Oracle CRM On Demand (CRMOD) 打交道一年多了。 大大小小的项目也做了四五个, 但一直以来也没总结个啥。 现在打算稍微记点东西, 也算是对自己这一年多时间的一个总结吧。 也许马上就会有同学要提问了, 一年多时间 ...
【长沙南雅中学一新生发言稿】     大家好,我是王#宁。     今天能站在这里,纯属偶然。     什么说偶然呢,因为,南雅是个人才济济的地方,164班是一个优秀的集体。个人认为,班级前二十几名的同学,时机适宜,谁考班上第一名都有可能。妈妈对我说:考了第一名,不要有压力,这一次已证明了你有考第一名的实力。以后,出现名次上下浮动都很正常,以平常心对待。 先说明一下,因为时间紧,这份发言稿是我和爸爸妈妈一起写的,下面就孩子的学习和家庭教育的几个观点和大家探讨一下: 1、关于分数。     从小学开始,爸爸妈妈对我就是这样要求的,只要学习态度好,考试考多少分都不会怪我,所以,我考试对分数没什么压力 ...
Oracle.DataAccess.dll will prevent you to add ServiceReference by Visual Studio, the config file and auto-generated reference class are not correct. You have to select "Advance" option on add service reference popup window, then go "Add Web Reference" button, and enter endpoint. ...


  • .net
How stupid I was yesterday.... : The first time I saw such kind of datatime format: "2012-07-09T00:00:00-06:00". And I researched in wikipedia, found something. 引用 If greater precision is desirable to represent the time interval, then more time elements can be added to the representation. ...
Sometimes we may need reference web service hosted base on java platform. And you are very likely to generate proxy classes with class type "ArrayOf***". So we may have to convert these types to collection or other appropriate type in our own application, and our types to "ArrayOf***&q ...
Changing a property's attribute at runtime is generally frowned upon. After all, attributes are just metadata and should remain unchanged after they are compiled. But sometimes you have to do it, regardless of what the "best practices" are saying. In my project, there are a lot of tree vi ...
First time try google map related, the requirement asks to provide a step by step route for sales, so that they are easy to work with them. So first design the API. [OperationContract] GetDirectionResponse GetDirection(GetDirectionRequest request); [DataContract] public class ...
Today, Ken Crismon reviewed my code checked in recently and shot me an email, said that it should be better to use Uri.TryCreate method to validate a url. My case is if the string value starts with "http" or "https", then we need to make it clickable. My original code was using ...
Parallel calculation is brought in from .net 4.0 framework. So, please be careful to avoid using un-thread-safe collections such as List<> when using Parallel calculation. Parallel.ForEach() has multiple overrided methods for using. Generally, below two methods are used more frequently. Sy ...
Error description: 引用 Not loaded. A runtime error occurred during the loading of the COM Add-in The form region "" cannot be opened. The form region manifest specifies an add-in that is not installed. Solution: 1. Make sure the .net framework is installed correctly 2. PIA (Microsoft Off ...
public class Address { private String street; private String zipCode; public Address(String street, String zipCode) { this.street = street; this.zipCode = zipCode; } ...... } public class Person { private Address address1 = new Address("street1", "zipCode1& ...
When starting eclipse, I get below warning: 引用 Maven Integration for Eclipse JDK Warning The Maven Integration requires that Eclipse be running in a JDK, because a number of Maven core plugins are using jars from the JDK. Please make sure the -vm option in eclipse.ini is pointing to a JDK and veri ...
Serialize order for data members of the data contract 1. members without explicitly set the order value, and the order is the same with the alpha of each data member, for example: [DataMember(IsRequired = false] public string Country; should before [DataMember(IsRequired = false] public str ...
1. add dependence in pom.xml <dependency> <groupId>org.mortbay.jetty</groupId> <artifactId>jetty</artifactId> <version>6.1.26</version> // not sure why failed if don't specify the version # </dependency> 2. add debugger start up cl ...
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