这就是“飞流直下三千尺,疑似银河落九天”中的飞流。我可是下了2000多级台阶来看的,然后看完还得原路爬2000多级台阶返回庐山顶~~~大家看俺膝盖,可都是汗水啊~~~再来一张Vincent Chen 2007-07-28 22:57 发表评论
- 2007-07-28 14:57
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ArchetypeCommand JSF Basic mvn archetype:create -DarchetypeGroupId=org.appfuse -DarchetypeArtifactId=appfuse-basic-jsf -DremoteRepositories=http://static.appfuse.org/repository -DarchetypeVersion=2.0-m5 -DgroupId=com.mycompany.app -DartifactId=myproject Spring MVC Basic mvn archetype:create -Darchety ...
- 2007-07-18 14:58
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摘要: Reflection 是Java被视为动态(或准动态)语言的一个关键性质。这个机制允许程序在运行时透过Reflection APIs取得任何一个已知名称的class的内部信息,包括其modifiers(诸如public, static 等等)、superclass(例如Object)、实现之interfaces(例如Cloneable),也包括fields和methods的所有信息,并可于运行时改变fields内容或唤起methods。本文借由实例,大面积示范Reflection APIs。 阅读全文Vincent Chen 2007-07-02 23:58 发表评论
- 2007-07-02 15:58
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摘要: Polymorphism shouldn't be a new concept to anybody. You deal with it every day in the real world. There's more than one class of cat to skin, but you skin 'em the same way, even if the specific instance is completely new to you. Let's say for example you want to a hole. You all holes the s ...
- 2007-07-02 15:54
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留个底。哈哈!Vincent Chen 2007-06-29 00:19 发表评论
- 2007-06-28 16:19
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Vincent Chen 2007-06-07 00:01 发表评论
- 2007-06-06 16:01
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1、集成各种view推荐直接使用 result type 集成2、在集成freemarker时候需要注意: 1)<#assign ww=JspTaglibs["/WEB-INF/lib/webwork.tld"] />已不用因为webwork2.2的freemarker的tag支持是内置的, 2)${wwUtil}已换成${webwork}3、使用sitemesh时,一般推荐使用其PageFilter得扩展。 1)Velocity:VelocityPageFilter 2)Freemarker:FreeMarkerPageFilter 3)ActionC ...
- 2006-06-04 09:02
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级联的关闭这听起来好像很有道理,而且在很多地方这样做也是正确的,通常这样写Connection con = getConnection();//getConnection is your methodPreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql);ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();……///rs.close();///ps.close();con.close(); // NO!这
样做的问题在于Connection是个接口 ...
- 2006-03-15 15:15
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Everybody knows that the basic native widgets in swt lack a lot of
flexibility and features. An approach to solve these shortcomings is to
build custom swt widgets that do not rely on native widgets but are
custom drawn - the same approach that swing took. A good example is
The custom swt w ...
- 2006-02-21 14:39
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