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Symptoms Webtop would display value for custom attribute to replace from r_object_id to object name corresponding to the object ID.   Cause This is the default behavior of Webtop, it just replaces display value but keeping the original entry at object attribute on the Repository.   ...
Got below exception when login webtop or even open document home page after someone cleaned cache on webtop's tomcat server:   class java.lang.NullPointerException After closing this window, press the Refresh or Reload button on your browser to continue. Hide Details S ...
The key point of this operation is keep the values stored in this attribute.   You can rename the custom attribute using the following steps: - Create the custom attribute with the new name ALTER TYPE type_name ADD attribute_def {,attribute_def}[PUBLISH] - Copy the values from old custom ...
Sample: ALTER TYPE hrd_document MODIFY (hrd_team_name (VALUE ASSISTANCE IS LIST ( 'global', 'cnb_emea', 'con_mgt', 'comm_kit', 'policies', 'hr_empl_rels' )IS COMPLETE )); ALTER TYPE hrd_document MODIFY (hrd_team_name (MAPPING TABLE ( VALUE='global' DISPLAY='Global', VALUE='cn ...
  When publish data dictionary of a custom type(publish_dd,c,,custom_type,,T), I get below error message:[DM_DATA_DICT_E_COULD_NOT_PUBLISH_DATA_DICTIONARY_INFORMATION]error:  "The Data Dictionary was unable to publish information for tcustom_type, locale en, an error occured." [DM_DATA_DI ...
If I ran a select DQL statement and there is no ORDER BY clause included, what is the default sort order for basic search? Trace the query in the database - if there is no order by then the database is free to return the records in any order it wants, the actual order will be driven by query plans ...
Get below error message: Thu Jun 30 04:19:46 2011 539287: 103150[103150] TRACE LAUNCH: ./dmbasic -f./dm_event_sender_xxx.eb s -eMail  -- "xxx" "nulldate" "Job_Failure" "[ERROR] [LAUNCHER 103145] Detected while completing processing for job dm_WebPublish_08xxxxxx9b50 ...
Two sample dql statements: ALTER TYPE <custom_type> MODIFY <attribute_name> (SET default_search_op = 1) PUBLISH; ALTER TYPE <custom_type> ADD <attribute_name> <attribute_datatype> (SET label_text='<LABEL_TEXT>', set default_search_op = 1, truncate allowed_search_op ...
Solution: fetch For API: fetch,c,l For DFC: IDfPersistentObject.fetch(null);
ROW_BASED关键字用于以一行显示一个repeating attribute的一个索引位的值的方式显示DQL语句的返回结果。如果不加此关键字,一行的返回结果一般为一个对象,加此关键字后一个对象会出现多行,总行数为被select的所有repeating attributes中拥有最多值的attribute的值的个数,并且在同一行的各个repeating attributes的值的索引一样。 主要使用场合:   1)查询语句要返回repeating attribute并且要和表关联进行查询的语句。   2)查询语句要返回repeating attribute并且要和其他object type关 ...
关键词“notdefined”用来确定当前的action或component在当前的scope(即r_object_type)中是否有效,为true则无效。用来屏蔽action或component从父类型向当前子类型的应用。开发指导文档中有如下一段话: 1.About Component: notdefined: Configurations can hide elements that are defined in the parent scope by using the notdefined attribute. Refer to Hiding a component for specif ...
原本以为只能以get(url)的方式打开新页面,事实证明我基础不牢、孤陋寡闻了。。。 <script> function openSpecfiyWindown( windowName ) { window.open('about:blank',windowName,'width=700,height=400,menubar=no,scrollbars=no'); } </script> <form id="editForm" name="editForm ...
因为Select下拉框只支持disabled属性,不支持readOnly属性, 而在提交时,disabled的控件,又是不提交值的,在网上搜索了一下,发现有个很好的方法: Html代码 <select name="select123" onbeforeactivate="return false;" onfocus="this.blur();" onmouseover="this.setCapture();" onmouseover="this.releaseCapture();"> ...
//将字母i全部替换成5(使用正则表达式) <script language="javascript"> var txt = "sjfisjfisdjfijsidfjioalfjewofjjgs"; alert(txt .replace(/i/g,"5")); </script> //只将第一个字母i替换成5 <script language="javascript"> var txt = "sjfisjfisdjfijsidfjioalfjewofjjgs&quo ...
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