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在java中,引用的强度有以下四个级别:1.Strong Referece 2. soft reference 3. weak reference 4 PhantomReference 关于PhantomReference有以下几点需要注意: 1 the PhantomReference.get() method always returns null 2 another difference is that the PhantomReference is enqueueed only after the finalize() method has been called. 3 If you ...
The nature of Exceptions there are three different situations that cause exceptions to be thrown: 1. Exceptions due to programming errors 2. Exceptions due to client code errors 3. Exceptions due to the resource failures Types of Exceptions in java 1. Checked Exceptions 2. Unchecked Exceptions Best P ...
内部类,静态类,reference to the following link: http://viralpatel.net/blogs/2009/10/inner-classes-in-java.html
原来JAVA中转义字符就很简单的四种: 1.八进制转义序列:\ + 1到3位5数字;范围'\000'~'\377'       \0:空字符 2.Unicode转义字符:\u + 四个十六进制数字;0~65535      \u0000:空字符 3.特殊字符:就3个       \":双引号      \':单引号      \\:反斜线 4.控制字符:5个    \' 单引号字符 \\ 反斜杠字符 \r 回车 \n 换行 \f 走纸换页 \t 横向跳格 \b 退格 点的转义:. ==> u002E 美元符号的转义:$ ==> u0024 ...
  今天项目碰到一个小问题,需要利用到词法分析。 可惜大学的时候没有好好学习编译原理啊 ,在网上搜索到了一篇文件,讲的很基础,大家分享一下。 http://www.blogjava.net/qujinlong123/archive/2007/05/08/113773.html
http://www.jarbao.com/index.htm //jar包下载中心 http://www.cn-java.com     //中文Java技术网 http://java.chinaitlab.com  //中国IT实验室 http://www.iteye.com      //JavaEye 软件开发交流社区 http://www.qpsh.com         //网页特效地址 http://www.sourceforgecn.net  //开源无界 http://www.diybl.com          //DIY部落 http://www.mscto. ...
You can find some good readings in distributed systems on this page http://bytepawn.com/readings-in-distributed-systems/
Disk: ~100MB/S sequential writes ~1.5MB/S random writes     --~10ms to seek     --~5ms on expensive 15k rpm disks SSD ~100MB/s random writes. also ,you can find more information about disk from the jeff dean's keynotes.(jeff dean,google fellow)
thread到底是什么,在程序中到底表示什么? Simply put, a thread is a program's path of execution. Most programs written today run as a single thread, causing problems when multiple events or actions need to occur at the same time. Let's say, for example, a program is not capable of drawing pictures while reading keyst ...
对于多线程之间的交互和如何有效的停止一个线程。 这边文章讲的比较详细How to stop a thread or a taskhttp://forward.com.au/javaProgramming/HowToStopAThread.html 对于sleep,wait, notify的讲解: http://www.blogjava.net/fhtdy2004/archive/2009/06/08/280728.html也还不错
.vimrc中或.exrc中设置 Q: 1)通常在非中文编码方式的文本中输入中文后,vi不能保存文件.错误信息如下: test.txt" 不能写入 -- 转换失败 请按 ENTER 或其它命令继续 2)而且删除中文字符时,总是半个半个的删除,过长的行还会显示乱码. ...
点的转义:. ==> u002E 美元符号的转义:$ ==> u0024 乘方符号的转义:^ ==> u005E 左大括号的转义:{ ==> u007B 左方括号的转义:[ ==> u005B 左圆括号的转义:( ==> u0028 竖线的转义:| ==> u007C 右圆括号的转义:) ==> u0029 星号的转义:* ==> u002A 加号的转义:+ ==> u002B 问号的转义:? ==> u003F 反斜杠的转义: ==> u005C
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