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大家看看: http://wiki.woodpecker.org.cn/moin/MiscItems/2008-11-17
import cx_Oracle >>> conn = cx_Oracle.connect('user','0909',cx_Oracle.makedsn('',1521,'testDate')) >>> cur = conn.cursor() >>> cur.execute('select * from admin') [<cx_Oracle.STRING with value None>, <cx_Oracle.STRING with value None>, <cx_Oracle. ...
本文主要是学习随笔.记录下来以免忘记..... 1. type 函数     返回任意对象的数据类型 >>> type(1) <type 'int'> >>> type(2.0000) <type 'float'> >>> type('ssss') <type 'str'> >>> ls=[] >>> type(ls) <type 'list'> >>> lse={} >>> type(lse) <type 'dict ...
>>> a = 'abc' >>> b = 'efg' >>> 1==0 and a or b 'efg' >>> 1>2 and a or b 'efg' >>> 1<2 and a or b 'abc'  在如: a = '' 的话   >>> a = '' >>> 1<2 and a or b 'efg' >>> 1>2 and a or b 'efg'  结果与我们要的不符.这个东西具体可以参考 dive into py ...
昨天晚上配置这三个东西费了点时间.结果睡觉之前还没搞定.早上到公司翻了一下apache文档终于搞定了.. 在些记录一下: 软件准备:    python2.5.2    apache_2.2.10    django1.0    mod_python-3.3.1win32-py2.5-apache2.2 安装步骤:在些省略........ 配置 apache httpd.conf 网上资料超多.找一下.   以下只是自己配置时与到的问题. 1. (Is it on sys.path? Does it have syntax errors?): %s" % (self.SETTINGS_ ...
第一步:http://download.eclipse.org/stp/downloads/ 下载 STP All In One 第二步:  http://archive.apache.org/dist/cxf/2.1/apache-cxf-2.1.zip 第三步: http://archive.apache.org/dist/incubator/tuscany/java/sca/1.0-incubating/apache-tuscany-sca-1.0-incubating.zip   具体安装方法网上有很多。cxf一定要用2.1 这个要不然生成不了ws ...
[color=blue][/color] 各种版本都试过1.4 ,1.5 ,1.6至少都试过两遍。结果还是一样出现以下信息: Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no] y Unpacking... Checksumming... 1 The download file appears to be corrupted.  Please refer to the Troubleshooting section of the Installation Instructions on the download page for more ...
public class Oracle_Order extends Order implements Serializable { /** * 扩展order 支持oracle 按笔划,部首,拼音排序。 */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // SCHINESE_STROKE_M' SCHINESE_RADICAL_M'); 'NLS_SORT=SCHINESE_PINYIN_M private static int pinyin = 0; // 'NLS_SORT=SCHINESE_STR ...


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