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Maven Archiver generates the default manifest file for you. Sometimes, we need to use our own manifest file. Before, I usually use the following commond to add: jar umf MANIFEST.MF project_xxx.jar Now, can add your own MANIFEST.MF to jar file using maven http://maven.apache.org/shared/maven-archiv ...

JDK1.7 & JDK1.6

  • Java
今天在解决问题I"Unsupported major.minor version 51.0"时(link to:), 碰到了另一个问题II:关于JDK1.6 & JDK1.7. 首先,问题I Eclipse中JDK的配置有两个地方,一是开发的项目properties->java build path, 另一是Windows->Java compiler->compiler compliance level. 这两者是有区别的: build path中的JDK版本是,开发过程中编译器需要的,即提示报错、进行类库的编译(使用类是否在这个JDK中); c ...
Eclipse is running in a JRE, but a JDK is required Some Maven plugins may not work when importing projects or updating source folders. 1. First check eclipse is using JDK, not JRE; Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs 2. Then configure file eclipse.ini See the solution I in blog ...
Eclipse not responding Question: Start eclipse slowly, or appear "not responding" when using eclipse... Cause: Insufficient virtual memory Solution: modify the parameters of vm in the directory of eclipse, modify file "eclipse.ini" as the following: -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJav ...

Java @Override报错

  • Java
问题: Eclipse导入一个项目编译时总是@override报错,提示“Remove '@Override' annotation”, 按照提示将@override去掉,但是有时一个项目有很多@override报错,修改起来比较麻烦,而且这也不能从根本上解决问题。 原因: 这是JDK的问题,JDK5已有@Override,但不支持对接口的实现,认为这不是Override而报错。 JDK6修正了这个Bug,无论是对父类的方法覆盖还是对接口的实现都可以加上@Override。 解决方案: 首先,保证安装了jdk1.6。 然后,在报错的项目上,右键选择 Properties -->Java ...
Eclipse maven has following error: Missing artifact com.sun:tools:jar:1.5.0 Eclipse use "C:\windows\system32\javaw.exe" as default JVM, of course cant find tools.jar. Solution I: Modify eclipse.ini which in the eclipse.exe directory, add the following configuration: -vm D:\Program Files\J ...

Maven Project

haha, pictures!
Eclipse安装maven插件,报错信息如下: Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. Software being installed: Maven Integration for Eclipse (Required) (org.maven.ide.eclipse.feature.feature.group Missing requirement: Maven Inte ...
Remote setting: Right click "Computer" ->Properties ->Remote setting(See picture below) Windows Firewall settings: 1. Turn off Windows Firewall(But not recommended). 2. Make sure "Turn on Windows Firewall", then, Start ->Control panel ->Windows Firewall ->Allow a ...
This article I wrote for myself. Because I always forget these things 1. Eclipse font setting Window ->Preferences ->General ->Appearance ->Colors and Fonts right window -> Java -> Text Font 2. Eclipse Auto Activation Window ->Preferences ->Java ->Editor ->Content A ...
Every time, we use mongoDB, must to manual input: C:\users\XXX>cd /d d:\MongoDB\bin d:\MongoDB\bin>mongod -dbpath D:\MongoDB\data So, we can install it as Windows service. Success: Right click the command prompt, and open it with "Run as Administrator". C:\Windows\system32>cd / ...
注册表中查找B1159E65-821C3-21C5-CE21-34A484D54444中的子项4FF78130 ,删除其下的三个子项即可。 这样剩余时间又会回到15天前。


整理自周伟明Intel社区博客: http://software.intel.com/zh-cn/blogs/2009/02/04/400001071/ 程序员的十层楼 自西方文艺复兴以来,中国在自然科学方面落后西方很多,软件领域也不例外。当然现在中国的许多程序员们对此可能有许多不同的意 ...
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