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The JobDetail object is created by the Quartz client (your program) at the time the Job is added to the scheduler. It contains various property settings for the Job, as well as a JobDataMap, which can be used to store state information for a given instance of your job class. Trigger objects are ...
var conn:NetConnection = new NetConnection("rtmfp://stratus.adobe.com/" + developerKey);conn.nearID, my p2p id new NetStream(netConnection, NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS);NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS, wait for other peerpeer id, connect to other peer which has publish as NetStream.DIRECT_CO ...
还是目前的这个项目,因为我引入了自动升级的applicationupdater_ui.swc,而默认的编译选项是en_US。于是出来的升级界面是英文的,考虑到实用性,应该改成中文的。 然后一通乱查。 .swc是个压缩包,可以修改后缀为.zip,然后用各 ...
第一步:分离运行库,使用RSL减小FLEX生成文件的体积 要应用RSL.我们执行下面的步骤: 1.在项目文件夹中点右建,选择"properties"-"Flex BuildPath"-"Library Path" 2.该选项卡上我们看到"FrameWork linkage",默认是选中"Merged into code"(打包在里边..大概这意思) 3.点开下拉,选择"runtime shared library(RSL)",点"OK" 第二步:使用Rele ...
UnicastRemoteObject.exportObject expose a remote object at given ip and port LocateRegistry.getRegistry.bind register a remote object to registry, note that registrty is also a remote object, and the registry service need to be started in advanced.set CLASSPATH=D:\workspace\BuGu\bugu_core_test\binst ...
转自http://gregoire.org/2008/09/12/using-custom-objects-in-amf3-with-red5/   I created a post about this subject almost a year ago, but there were a couple minor issues with the examples. Here I will show what eight additional months of experience can provide. The example provided here uses a custom ...
Is context global or there may be one context for each scope or for each application?There's a global context and one context for each application. How to implement security checking?First put user data in IClient/IConnection when first connect to server.For method call, override IScopeHandler.servi ...
因为项目是用spring来配置hibernate,同时用的是hibernate的annotation,所以根本不没有任何hibernate相关的xml配置文件(最喜欢零配置了,呵呵),但是当要导出sql的DDL的时候问题就来了,一般hibernate的schema export的教程上面都要配置一个hibernate.cfg.xml,这时只能自己写code来实现导出了,其实也很简单。   思路如下: 1.hibernate提供了一个叫SchemaExport的类来专门生成DDL,这个类的构造函数要一个Configuration对象来初始化。只要拿到生成SessionFactory的Configu ...
Integrate with Struts: Spring plugin features:1.Allow Actions, Interceptors, and Results to be created by Spring 2.Struts-created objects can be autowired by Spring after creation 3.Provides two interceptors that autowire actions, if not using the Spring ObjectFactory To enable spring plugin:1.Includ ...
Conversion?Validation?How to bind values from request to action and from action to jsp?Struts tag library? Validation can be described through an XML document, or using annotations. The XML document is named after the Action being validated with a "-validation" suffix. The convention plugin ...
ActionThe <action> tag can use any type of object, by default, it will call the execute method, you can override this by specifying a value for the "method" attribute, also, use "actionName!methodName" to force to invoke a public method in action.If the "class" att ...
Red5如何响应rmpt的请求,中间涉及哪些关键类? 响应请求的流程如下:   1.Red5在启动时会调用RTMPMinaTransport的start()方法,该方法会开启rmtp的socket监听端口(默认是1935),然后使用mina(apache的io操作类库)的api将RTMPMinaIoHandler绑定到 ...
Standalone server Should be inside "red5-web.xml" in WEB-INF? What's the usage of webAppRootKey?<context-param><param-name>webAppRootKey</param-name><param-value>/myapp</param-value></context-param> Default scope: The default scope usually has the name we ...


@Override public void streamSubscriberStart(ISubscriberStream stream) { print("streamSubscriberStart"); IConnection conn = Red5.getConnectionLocal(); conn.setAttribute("data", conn.getWrittenBytes()); conn.setAttribute("time", System.currentTi ...
用popup manager来弹出窗口?用Accordion 来分tab?用类似visible="{myCheck.selected}"的语法来绑定microphone的属性?   internal 有点类似于java的默认无修饰符,不同在于子类无法访问,只有同个包的可以访问在一个as文件中,可以定义多个类,但只能一个类位于package中。其他的属于内部类?那在mxml中是不是可以有内部类?dynamic:动态类型,类的属性和方法不确定,允许在运行时动态的添加。MovieClip 类便是动态类。当要继承动态类时,也要定义为动态类型。一 般只用于特殊场合 函数的不定参 ...
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