#!/bin/sh # # Run JSHint validation before commit.   files=$(git diff --cached --name-only --diff-filter=ACMR -- *.js) pass=true   if [ "$files" != "" ]; then     for file in ${files}; do         result=$(jshint ${file})           if [ "$result" != "&quo ...
被替换的分支叫bereplaced, 替换的分支叫replacer git checkout replacer git merge -s ours bereplaced git checkout bereplaced git merge replacer

maven download source

mvn dependency:sources -DincludeGroupIds=org.ocpsoft.rewrite
1. install github plugin 2. use gitbash, ssh-keygen to generate ssh key 3. Go to system setting ,set git executable path, please note use: C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd\git.exe, not C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\git.exe 4, create a job, set repository url (git@xxx.git), credentials(use private ...
文件在仓库中存在,但是不想每次修改后就提交(这样的文件一般是与本机开发环境相关的文件),可以这样操作: 1. 打开.git/config文件 2. 增加  [alias] ignore = update-index --assume-unchanged unignore = update-index --no-assume-unchanged ignored = !git ls-files -v | grep "^[[:lower:]]" 3. 运行 git ignore filename   这样,再次提交时这个文件的修改就不会被提交。如果需要再次提交这 ...
chrome在做cors请求时,如果server是localhost,会失败,参考:https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=67743   有如下几种处理方式: 1.  增加header http://williamjohnbert.com/2013/06/allow-cors-with-localhost-in-chrome/ 2. 在hosts中做映射,把127.0.0.1映射成一个域名  
1. git log -- filename 2. git show commitid:filename
1. Install weinre: http://people.apache.org/~pmuellr/weinre/docs/latest/Home.html npm -g install weinre 2. Run weinre:  weinre options      weinre --boundHost hostname/IP --httpPort 8081 3. Add a script tag into web page:     <script src="http://a.b.c:8081/target/target-script-min.js&qu ...

nodejs debug

1. 运行node --debug app.js, 或者 node --debug-brk app.js 2. 运行node-inspector 3. 运行http://localhost:8080/debug?port=5858


参考:http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-7.0-doc/ssl-howto.html   1. 创建keystore 进入tomcat目录,执行 keytool -genkey  -trustcacerts -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -dname "cn=your domain, ou=org, o=org, c=cn" -keypass changeit -keystore .keystore  -storepass changeit   2.修改server.xml 2.1 打开https的conn ...


  • git
Git undo, reset or revert?   If you have found this page you probably came here since you wanted to clear your working directory from all the changes that you have made. The simple answer is: # Clear working directory tree from all changes $ git checkout -f HEAD This is, however, no ...
phonegap应用最少需要下面的权限才可以启动起来,不知道为啥。 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />


  • git
1. git常用命令 http://www.xbc.me/git-commands/ http://blog.csdn.net/sunboy_2050/article/details/7529022   2. git命令图 http://www.cnblogs.com/1-2-3/archive/2010/07/18/git-commands.html   3. remove tag or branch Removing a git tag: git tag -d <tag> Removing a git branch:
  httpd.conf     LoadModule php5_module "c:/php-5.4.14/php5apache2_2.dll" PHPIniDir "C:/php-5.4.14" <IfModule mime_module> 中增加             AddType application/x-httpd-php .php             AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps <IfModule dir_module> 变 ...
dojo的 style.set(node, {backgroundColor: color}) can't work in IE, 改成 dojo style.set(node, {background: color}) 
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