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MVC,我接触和了解这个名词是从Web的开发模式的时候开始接触的。准确的说,MVC不是一种开发模式,而是一种开发架构。MVC起源于SmartTalk中的GUI编程。   Controller和Viewer没什么太多好说的,至于Model,Swing定义了许多custom models,这些数据模型为swing 编程提供了许多方便。举几个例子。   ButtonModel Used by: All AbstractButton subclasses.Stores: A boolean representing whether the button is selected (armed) or un ...
  Swing的类结构 大部分的Swing类是由AWT的类前面加个字母“J”构成的,Swing也有自己的许多类。下面这个图就是Swing类的树图。 Z-order 还没有确实弄清楚是什么东西。 What this ultimately means is that you should avoid using both heavyweight and lightweight components in the same container whenever possible. The most important rule to follow is that you should never p ...
在测试过程中发现了一个问题,在Text Component中允许添加javascript代码段。感觉这是一个漏洞所在,自己试了试,居然可以填写跨域请求JS脚本的JS声明,例如<script language=javascript src=http://xxx.yyy.zzz/dd.js />于是利用这个特性编写一个攻击程序。 程序大体是这样的:将一段javascript代码放在服务器A,并且在服务器A运行一段JSP代码。编写一个Content和Presentation Template(简称PT),在PT引用事先写好的Text Component。当点击预览的时候,放在A服务器的代码 ...
Portlet life circle diagram init(PortletConfig config)   This method is called by the portlet container on the abstract portlet when the portlet is first loaded. As with servlets, portlets are loaded when they are first requested. Any subsequent calls to the portlet will not execute this method. Ge ...
Abstract portlet与concrete portlet The portlet.xml deployment descriptor is used by the portal server to identify the abstract and concrete portlet applications you wish to deploy. An abstract portlet application contains one or more abstract portlets. A concrete portlet application contains one or mo ...
The base building blocks of a Portal are the portlets. Portlets are complete applications following the Model-View-Controller design pattern. Portlets are developed, deployed, managed and displayed independent of all other portlets. Based on the J2EE container model, portlets run inside the Portlet C ...
Portal的起源 WebSphere Portal finds its roots in Apache Jetspeed. Jetspeed is an Open Source implementation of an Enterprise Information Portal, using Java and XML.Jetspeed was created to deliver an Open Source Portal that individuals or companies could use and contribute to in an Open (Source) manner. ...
什么是Portal? A server to aggregate content A scalable infrastructure A framework to build portal components and extensions The main job of a portal is to aggregate content and functionality. 这句话把Portal的最基本要实现的目标写了出来。“集合内容和功能”。在这里内 ...
前天下午搞了很长时间。其实是个简单的问题。首先是两种驱动方式,type 2和type 4。根据我的理解type 2就是类似Oracle种的“胖”链接模式。所谓的“胖”链接模式的意思,就是除了必要的JDBC驱动,还要有客户端。通过客户端可以定义与数据库端的链接,在wpconfig_dbdomains.properties中的DB2中的链接字符串一开始都把我迷惑了,看到jdbc:db2:wpsdb这样的字符串我都以为是本地的数据库链接呢。其实jdbc:db2:wpsdb是本地客户端对数据库链接的一个定义。而这个客户端的链接可以通过向导来配置,也可以通过命令行来配置。
When to Use DOM On the other hand, if you are dealing with simple data structures and if XML Schema isn't a big part of your plans, then you may find that one of the more object-oriented standards, such as JDOM and dom4j, is better suited for your purpose.  Because it was designed for use with lang ...
The DTDHandler API In Choosing Your Parser Implementation you saw a method for referencing a file that contains binary data, such as an image file, using MIME data types. That is the simplest, most extensible mechanism. For compatibility with older SGML-style data, though, it is also possible to def ...
How the LexicalHandler Works To be informed when the SAX parser sees lexical information, you configure the XmlReader that underlies the parser with a LexicalHandler. The LexicalHandler interface defines these event-handling methods: comment(String comment) Passes comments to the application st ...
首先要明白,Validating Parser是用什么来验证的。 You need to understand about two things about the validating parser at the outset: A schema or document type definition (DTD) is required. Because the schema or DTD is present, the ignorableWhitespace method is invoked whenever possible. ...
SAXParseException SAXExceptionSAXParseException 主要用来处理,解析XML过程中出现的不可恢复的异常。比如一个xml中的某个元素不完整。SAXException可能在startDocument(),endDocument(),startElement(),endElement(),characters()中抛出。 Handling NonFatal Errors A nonfatal error occurs when an XML document fails a validity constraint. If the parser finds ...
首先要继承ContentHandler类,然后复写几个函数。 startDocument(); endDocument(); startElement(String namespaceURI,          String sName, // simple name          String qName, // qualified name          Attributes attrs); 这里的全名应该是指的"xi:element1"这样的内容吧。sName指的是元素的名字。qName指的是元素的全名(不是很确定)。attrs是代表属性的所有元素。attrs. ...
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