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Portlet Life Circle

Portlet life circle diagram
init(PortletConfig config)
This method is called by the portlet container on the abstract portlet when the portlet is first loaded. As with servlets, portlets are loaded when they are first requested. Any subsequent calls to the portlet will not execute this method. Generally, initialization that is applicable to every concrete portlet based on this abstract portlet is placed in this method. If you choose to override this method, at a minimum it should make a call to its parent via super.init(portletConfig). At this point in the portlet life cycle, no portlet-specific storage objects are available. This includes PortletSession, PortletData, PortletApplicationSettings and PortletSettings.
initConcrete(PortletSettings settings)
This method is called by the portlet container on the concrete portlet. The initialization code performed in this method is not shared by other concrete portlets even though they may be based upon the same abstract portlet. It is in this method that the PortletSettings object is first available. The PortletSettings encapsulates the concrete portlet configuration parameter information. From the PortletSettings object, the PortletApplicationSettings object is available. The PortletApplicationSettings object encapsulates concrete portlet application context parameters. In this method, no user-specific objects are yet available.
login(PortletRequest request)
If the concrete portlet has been placed on a page that requires authorization, the login method is called by the portlet container to associate a user with the portlet. It is at this point that the PortletData object is first available. The PortletSession is created by the container for the registered user at this point and is available in this method via the request object. If the request for the portlet is made by an anonymous user, this method is not called. If this method is not called, a default session object can still be created with no user association, though it may be of little practical use. This method is actually defined in the PortletSessionListener interface which is implemented by the abstract class Portlet. Since your custom portlets will extend from Portlet, it is included in this discussion even though other oft-used listeners are not..
service(PortletRequest request, PortletResponse response)
This method is called on each and every request of the portlet. After the portlet has been added to a page and initially accessed by a user, this is the only method that will be called by the portlet container on subsequent requests. Generally, this method will delegate the request to the appropriate do method to render content. At this point, all portlets and, if applicable, user-specific objects are available.
logout(PortletSession session)
Only when a user specifically selects the Log Off button on the portal is this method called. This method provides you with the opportunity to manage any user-specific information once the user has logged out and to clean up user-related resources. If the user removes the portlet from their page, the logout method is not called until the user actually logs out of the portal, even though they no longer are accessing the portlet. When the portlet is taken out of service by the Portal server or the administrator, this method will not be called. The PortletSettings object is still available in this method, although the PortletRequest is not. This method is actually defined in the PortletSessionListener interface which is implemented by the abstract class Portlet. Since your custom portlets 82 IBM WebSphere Portal Toolkit V5 will extend from Portlet, it is included in this discussion even though other oft-used listeners are not.e.
destroyConcrete(PortletSettings settings)
This method is called when the concrete portlet is taken out of service either because of the portal server stopping or the application being uninstalled from the portal server. The portlet container will call each running concrete portlet in the application individually when the application is deleted. In this method, the PortletSettings object is passed in as a parameter and cannot be retrieved from the normal getPortletSettings method.DIV>
destroy(PortletConfig config)
The portlet container executes this method on the abstract portlet when the portlet is taken out of service. Since it is executed on the abstract portlet and not the concrete portlets, it is executed only once. This method provides an opportunity to execute clean-up code on each and every concrete portlet in the application derived from this abstract portlet.



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    Portlet入门介绍 在Web开发领域,Portlet是一种特殊的组件,它被设计用来构建可复用、可配置的Web应用程序,通常在Portal环境下运行。Portlet技术为用户提供了一种集中访问多种服务和信息的方式,例如新闻、天气...



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    Portlet是一种Web应用程序组件,主要用于构建企业级的门户系统。Portlet规范定义了这些组件如何在门户环境中交互、渲染和管理用户界面。本篇文章将深入探讨Portlet的概念、功能、工作原理以及相关的技术标准。 ...

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    Stringbeans3.5 加载外部portlet应用

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    在如今的Web应用中,Portlet技术是一种用于创建动态Web内容组件的Java API,特别是在企业门户应用中十分常见。Portlet可以在 Portal 页面中作为一个独立的窗口区域显示内容,并且可以集成来自不同Web资源的信息。...

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    1. **portlet容器**:portlet容器是运行portlet的平台,它负责管理portlet生命周期,包括初始化、渲染、事件处理等,并提供portlet间通信的机制。常见的portlet容器有IBM WebSphere Portal、Liferay Portal和JBoss ...


    3. **Portlet配置**:portlet可以通过portlet.xml文件进行配置,定义portlet的元数据,如portlet名称、标题、描述、支持的portlet模式等。 4. **portlet上下文**:提供portlet访问其环境信息,如请求、响应对象、...

    Liferay portlet 工程示例代码

    Liferay Portlet工程示例代码提供了开发者们一个深入理解并实践Liferay Portal平台上的portlet开发的宝贵资源。Liferay Portal是一款开源的企业级门户系统,它允许用户创建、管理和集成各种Web应用程序,而portlet...


    portlet-api.jar portlet-api.jar portlet-api.jar

    portlet api

    Portlet API 是一个重要的软件开发接口,主要用于构建和管理企业级Web应用程序,特别是门户(portal)环境中的可重用组件。IBM API 和 JSR168 API 都是Portlet API 的实现或扩展,它们为开发者提供了在门户环境中创建...


    Portlet技术是构建企业级Web应用的重要组成部分,特别是在门户(portal)环境中,它允许开发者创建可重用、可组合的Web组件。JSR168(Java Portlet Specification 1.0)是Java社区进程发布的一项标准,为portlet的...

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    【portlet资料】主要涵盖的是关于portlet开发的相关知识,这一领域主要在企业级应用,特别是Java企业版(Java EE)环境中广泛使用。Portlet是一种可重用的Web组件,它能够集成到portlet容器(如门户服务器)中,为...

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