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1.今天测试SiteMesh成功,明天继续深入学习. 2.学习其他的如FreeMark等表现层技术; 3.基本学习完上述技术以后来一个小结,看哪些比较喜欢用就用哪些. 4.节假日期间准备好好学习Hibernater,并完成一个示例webwork+spring+hibernater的操练.
      It doesnot interest me  what  you  do for a living.I want to  know what  you  ache  for.and  if  u dare to  dream of meeting your  heart's longing.      It does'nt interest  me how  old  you are,I want to  know if u will  risk looking like a fool for love,for  your dreams,for the adventure of b ...
  刚才我们已经知道了,在纵向上是webwork的mvc容器在起作用,在横向上是依赖于Spring的Ioc来管理类.  那么我们从最初的web.xml配置说起吧.   web.xml文件配置: xml 代码 xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>   <web-app version="2.4"         xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"         xmlns:xsi=& ...
   终于基本上完成了webwork+spring+hibernater的整合.下面以我做的为例简单说明开发过程及思路:     我们要使用的webwork提供给我们的东西很多,不过我只使用其MVC的容器.贯穿整个应用程序的是其MVC的框架.我们使用Spring 的目的是要 ...
       We have taller buildings,but shorter tempers;wider freeways,but nar- rower viewpoints;        We spend more,but have less;we buy more,but enjoy it less;        We have bigger housees,but smaller families;        We have more conveniences,but less time;        We have more knowledge,but less j ...
I  fly free until  I meet another bird who flies with me in perfect harmony.I realize with some relief  that there is a bird out there for me,there is  another person, not necessarily a lover perhaps just a friend,but there is   someone out there who is my soul mate.                                  ...
        前段时间看了看spring,觉得其中的Ioc很不错,其实webwork里也有,不过还是Spring提供的稍好些.后来又学习了webwork的MVC的结构.印象深的是Model Driven和Property Driven,感觉里面的拦截器很优秀,不过还是不怎么会用.          象我这样学习太累了,以后要多动脑子才行.其实写作是个很好的习惯,至少我觉得会让人的心平静下来许多.           中午好困啊,先休息下了.
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