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TVM(Total Value Management全员增值管理)。全员增值管理的关键在“V”,即Value(价值)上。这是将品牌增值的目标细化到每个人的增值目标之中。BOSBOS的基础基于业务结构和流程是可变的这一前提。BOS的目的不是为了构造一个大而全的解决方案,而是构造这样一个平台:解决日益增加的应用复杂度和快速开发/实施的矛盾,可以满足不断变化的新的商业模式和技术的需求。BOS是基于J2EE技术的应用中间件,为基于J2EE的应用开发设计的一个开发平台和运行环境:实现用传统开发方式开发时所需要做的部分工作,使开发和设计人员可以把精力集中在关键的业务逻辑关系。从应用系统角度而言,使用BOS是 ...
最近一直都在看EXTJS的东西,然后自己实践了下,界面倒是蛮漂亮的,但是一旦涉及到与服务器端进行数据互动麻烦就出来了,本来下了个例子确发现是用DWR的,觉得我既然用了STRUTS2作为MVC的框架,我觉得这个框架还是很不错的,觉得还是把EXTJS整合到一起更好些,找了相关的资料,跟着前辈做了下例子,发现完全不是那么回事,只好自己慢慢摸索,终于把数据交互的问题解决了,所以记录之以便查阅! 还是从底层开始说吧,拿最经典的例子来解说吧,订单和客户的关系显然是n:1的关系,我hibernate不是用的声明方式所以就用的xml方式做的那么相应的hbm.xml文件如下:   相应的MODE ...
GNU 1.17 GNU tar GNU tar is an archiver that creates and handles file archives in various formats. You can use tar to create file archives, to extract files from previously created archives, store additional files, or update or list files which were already stored. The program saves many files to ...
GNU 1.21 GNU tar GNU tar is an archiver that creates and handles file archives in various formats. You can use tar to create file archives, to extract files from previously created archives, store additional files, or update or list files which were already stored. The program saves many files to ...
GNU tar 1.22最新版本 GNU tar GNU tar is an archiver that creates and handles file archives in various formats. You can use tar to create file archives, to extract files from previously created archives, store additional files, or update or list files which were already stored. The program saves many ...
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