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C#编程中,业务部分由IronRuby来实现是一个不错的选择。   1.  IDE: SharpDevelop http://www.icsharpcode.net/opensource/sd/ 2.  IronRuby: http://ironruby.codeplex.com/releases 下载 IronRuby 1.1.1 Binaries 即可   3. 新建C#项目,然后引用 IronRuby Binaries下bin目录的DLL: IronRuby.dll IronRuby.Libraries.dll IronRuby.Libraries.Y ...
当使用Netbean搭配C++插件开发时,如果使用CppUnit进行测试,每添加一个测试有一定概率会破坏Makefile文件,导致找不到CppUnit:   /home/programmer/workspace/InterviewTest/CppInterview/tests/SortClass.cpp:38: undefined reference to `CppUnit::SourceLine::SourceLine(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> &g ...
1. Install $ gem install whenever Or with Bundler in your Gemfile. gem 'whenever', :require => false 2. Getting Started $ cd /my/rails/app $ wheneverize . This will create an initial "config/schedule.rb" file you. config/schedule.rb
  本篇简要介绍使用JRuby + RSpec + Rails-Carrot + Celerity 进行rails3项目的集成测试。     1. Install jruby > rvm install jruby 2. Rails Gemfile if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)   gem 'activerecord-jdbc-adapter', '1.0.2'   gem 'jdbc-mysql', :require => false   gem 'celerity'   gem 'rails-carrot', :r ...
Rails-Carrot部分参考Capybara,支持原生的测试Gem驱动,主要是供喜欢用Celerity或者原生浏览器测试Driver。   支持远程,本地,本地外部ruby运行服务器 进行集成测试。   插件地址: http://github.com/sloanwu/carrot   简要介绍,以集成Celerity(需要使用JRuby)为例 You can use carrot with celerity, or another driver. 1. Rails Gemfile  gem 'rails-carrot', :require => ' ...
Nginx + Passenger -- RVM     You should install RVM.   1. > gem install passenger   2. > rvm wrapper 1.9.2 passenger #1.9.2 is the ruby version in RVM, you can use ree or other..   If you use passenger 2.X   > rvm 1.9.2 --passenger Run RVM using your desired Ruby interpreter, an ...
How to make gem   1. Install echoe gem $ gem install echoe 2. make gem $ mkdir hello_world $ vi hello_world/Rakefile require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'echoe' Echoe.new('wkhtmltopdf_32_amd64', '0.0.1') do |p| p.description = "wkhtmltopdf support linux 32,64 an ...
OpenId Authentication For Rails3 1. Add Gem GemFile gem 'ruby-openid' gem 'rack-openid', '>=0.2.1', :require => 'rack/openid' 2. install open_id_authentication as a plugin cd vendor/plugins git clone git://github.com/rails/open_id_authentication.git 3. Modify vendor/plugins/open_id ...
Ruby1.9.2 On Rails3.0.0 Required: sudo aptitude install bison sudo aptitude install libmysqlclient-dev sudo aptitude install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev sudo aptitude install build-essential libssl-dev libreadline5 libreadline5-dev zlib1g zlib1g-dev 1. Install ruby 1.9.2 and rails3 -- In rvm ...
C KEditor And Box window Note 1 . open a new page if( CKEDITOR.instances[element_id] ) # it will delete the CKEDITOR old instance from cache but it won't  remove the CKEDITOR DOM (Because the new page has no CKEDITOR DOM, so we needn't destroy it, just use remove. If you us ...
How to Install Apache & Passenger 1. Install Apache sudo apt-get install apache2 2. Install Passenger sudo gem install passenger 3. Install Apache Passenger Module sudo passenger-install-apache2-module 4. Copy some information After Install
Rails3RC Notes 1. ruby script/COMMAND....   rails <command >   Usage: rails COMMAND [ARGS] The most common rails commands are: generate Generate new code (short-cut alias: "g") console Start the Rails console (short-cut alias: "c") server ...
Ruby1.9.2RC On Rails3RC -- RVM 1. Install ruby 1.9.2RC and rails3RC -- In rvm You should install the git or ruby && gem 1) Install rvm with Git > bash < <( curl http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/releases/rvm-install-head ) 2) Install rvm with gem >sudo gem install rvm >r ...
To use Active with scaffold with JRails you have to use a different JQUERY_VAR than $ In our controllers 1.  set ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper::JQUERY_VAR = ‘jQuery’ or ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper.const_set(:JQUERY_VAR, 'jQuery') 2.  in your layout load both prototype and j ...
1. RDiscount http://github.com/rtomayko/rdiscount > sudo gem install rdiscount Usage RDiscount implements the basic protocol popularized by RedCloth and adopted by BlueCloth: require 'rdiscount' markdown = RDiscount.new("Hello World!") puts markdown.to_html Additional processing ...
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