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DECLARE         V_INTA NUMBER :=0.67;    BEGIN      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(TO_CHAR(V_INTA,'FM9999990.0099'));  END;
The object_id is the primary key, the data_object_id is the foreign key to the data segment. You can find the DDL operation against the object (for instance, Truncate,Move etc.)by querying the dba_objects with object_id not equal to data_object_id. 引用 Hi Tom, For some objects in dba_objects, ...
I get an error when I try to execute this procedure, which is part of a package :ERROR at line 1: ORA-00911: invalid character ORA-06512: at "SA.GET_PBS", line 41 ORA-06512: at line 1 line 41 is denoted with two stars, could anyone please give me a clue as to what the invalid character cou ...
DROP TABLE tab01; SELECT * FROM tab01; CREATE TABLE tab01 (ID NUMBER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR2(50) ); SELECT index_name,a.status FROM User_Indexes a WHERE index_name IN ('SYS_C0098887','IDX_NAME'); ALTER TABLE tab01 MOVE; INSERT INTO tab01 SELECT object_id,object_name FROM ...
Question: Hello, could anybody tell me where can i find the job number of those jobs defined in dba_scheduler_jobs? either whose owner is EXFSYS or a created owner. I see some errors in alert log but i cann't go to the job number specified because i cann't find them, this jobs have been defined by m ...
利用虚拟机产生的VMware virtual disk file文件不断增大,即使你已经在虚拟机上将文件删除,在Widows系统中,.vmdk文件也不会相应的变小,这是一个很让人头疼的问题。其原因是虚拟机上的Linux等系统认为.vmdk是一个硬盘,将文件删除后其可用空间可以恢复,重新利用;而对windos系统来说.vmdk是一个文件其变大后是不可能自动变小的。 针对以上原理,已变大的.vmdk文件是无法减肥的,即使你将所有数据删除,此文件依占用windows的硬盘空间仍然不会改变。最好的方法是,如果要复制或安装新的软件或虚拟机系统之外的其它应用,采用新增虚拟硬盘的方式,将不同的文件系统放到不 ...
Finding out Weblogic Version By PvjPavanKumar on Sep 03, 2010 It would be good if we have a file that contain the version and the component versions of WL server like OC4J (ias.properties in $OH/config). Its different though in WL. Couple of ways to figure out the Weblogic Version: 1. Weblogic Cons ...
求证了一下,是可以加的,不报错,但没有意义,裸设备还在 [root@sfrac02 ~]# vxassist -g oradg make lv_oradata_test 20M [root@sfrac02 ~]# vxedit -g oradg set user=oracle group=dba mode=644 lv_oradata_test [root@sfrac02 ~]# [root@sfrac02 ~]# [root@sfrac02 ~]# ls -l /dev/vx/rdsk/oradg/ total 0 crw-r--r-- 1 oracle dba ...
现象: 引用LSNRCTL> status Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521)) TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error TNS-00530: Protocol adapter error   HPUX Error: 242: No route to host 原因: /etc/hosts文件中配置本机地址错误 解决: 修正host与ip的映射关系
同事反映,删除一条数据总是没有反应,请求协助解决. 问题非常明显,肯定是有某个session在block他的session,导致一直在等待资源的释放.于是很快将问题定位,得到如下数据: SESS ID1 ID2 LMODE REQUEST TYPE CTIME BLOCK Holder: 389 17267 0 3 0 TM 8758 1 Waiter: 182 17267 0 0 4 TM 1946 0 那session 389究竟在干什么呢? 于是问题就来了,发现该session的状态是inactive,没有任何SQL在运行,通过prev_hash_value找到给sessi ...
系统上线,完成后,测试人员发现页面上的报表不能下载.经了解发现,系统上线前正常,上线的模块也不包括这块功能的改动,只是换了一个数据库,就不能正常下载了,真是蹊跷. 经过开发人员的问题定位,仍然没有能解决问题,于是乎,就又开始了有病乱投医的方法论,每个人说着不着边际的解决办法,同时也没有人去静下心来真正的想想办法,毫无思路,真是一丘之貉. 无奈之下,本来不是自己管辖同时也并不懂这些开发的东西,只能硬着头皮,静下心来,想想看看能不能找到问题的解决方法,只是为了能够早点回家. 问题分析: 1)上线前一切正常 2)未从改动过该模块 3)从内网访问页面,可以直接下载文件 4)从外网不行(外网经过了A ...
昨天又经历了一次系统的割接,有一点感慨,有一点失落。没有经历过项目管理的经验,但是对项目管理也有一点自己的理解。 每次系统上线和系统割接,尤其能体现一个项目管理的重要性。优秀的项目管理不仅能保证保证系统完美的上线,同时能使项目组中的成员更加默契,享受整个上线过程中的乐趣。 让正确的事,在正确的时候,有正确的人去做。 系统上线或者系统割接就像一个将军
1,Error 1)alter.log Fri May 6 14:50:01 2011 Errors in file /opt/oracle/app/oracle/admin/bks/udump/bks_ora_5111.trc: ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure ORA-39700: database must be opened with UPGRADE option Fri May 6 14:50:01 2011 Error 704 happened during db open, shutting down database U ...
一、Install Text Index 1,The steps of context install on Oracle 10g. 1, create tablespace drsys 2, run @?/ctx/admin/catctx.sql ctxsys drsys temp01 nolock 3, run @?/ctx/admin/defaults/drdefus.sql(-- run as ctxsys) 4, grant execute on ctxsys.ctx_ddl to public The steps of context uninstall ( ...
1)offline datafile OFFLINE Specify OFFLINE to take the datafile offline. If the database is open, you must perform media recovery on the datafile before bringing it back online, because a checkpoint is not performed on the datafile before it is taken offline. 引用DATA FILE #5:   (name #4) /u01/oracl ...
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