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答案整理了好久啊。哎,那群只知道复制黏贴的都去shi!!! 测验1: JavaEye论坛技术版块允许转载其他网站的帖子吗? 不能全文转载,只能转载不超过30%的内容,并且标明原创地址和作者 测验2: 以下哪些回贴将被视为灌水性回复,将被隐藏和扣分? 所有的全部都是灌水性回复 测验3: 我可以在论坛可以发布广告贴吗? 严禁发布任何形式的广告贴 测验4: 在ITeye论坛发布广告帖(含招聘广告帖),将会受到以下哪种处罚? 删除广告帖,用户ID和用户所有资料物理删除 测验5: JavaEye论坛可以交流电子书籍,商业软件下载和破解吗? 严禁交流版权电子书籍和商业软件破解 ...
The below post describes some common usage scenarios of the twiddle JBoss command line utility. JBoss provides a simple command line tool that allows for interaction with a remote JMX server instance. This tool is called twiddle (for twiddling bits via JMX) and is located in the bin directory of the ...
Recently I had faced a situation where I was forced to invoke a method on a particular “MBean” 10-15 times. I had completed this task manually from “JMX-Console”, but I didn’t feel it was elegant way of executing the task. So I had started doing research to find out if there is better way of doing t ...
Boss provides a simple command line tool that allows for interaction with a remote JMX server instance. This tool is called jboss twiddle (for twiddling bits via JMX) and is located in the bin directory of the distribution. Twiddle is a command execution tool, not a general command shell. The synta ...
前段时间对Spring的事务配置做了比较深入的研究,在此之间对Spring的事务配置虽说也配置过,但是一直没有一个清楚的认识。通过这次的学习发觉Spring的事务配置只要把思路理清,还是比较好掌握的。     总结如下:     Spring配置文件中关于事务配置总是由三个组成部分,分别是DataSource、TransactionManager和代理机制这三部分,无论哪种配置方式,一般变化的只是代理机制这部分。     DataSource、TransactionManager这两部分只是会根据数据访问方式有所变化,比如使用Hibernate进行数据访问时,DataSource实际为Se ...
如果缺少 <package name="strtuts2" extends="struts-default"> </package> only: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE struts PUBLIC "-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 2.1//EN" "http://struts. ...
struts2 标签使用异常  The Struts dispatcher cannot be found.  This is usually caused by using Struts tags without the associated filter. Struts tags are only usable when the request has passed through its servlet filter, which initializes the Struts dispatcher needed for this tag. - [unknown location] 在JSP ...
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