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Env: MAC OS X 10.6.6 1. Download and install Android SDK http://dl.google.com/android/android-sdk_r09-mac_x86.zip 2. Install ADT Plugin for Eclipse - URL : https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/ - Archive zip: http://dl.google.com/android/ADT_9.0.0.zip 3. Lauch Android SDK and AVD Manager ...
最近培训Jmeter,先安装下 http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/ 我下的是Binary 2.4版本,操作系统Mac OS X 10.6.5 解压文件到某目录,双击bin下的ApacheJMeter.jar运行之,稍等片刻弹出一个UI界面,至于如何操作等研究下再说
折腾了一周的环境问题,终于搞定:) 安装webrat/nokogiri的时候一直报错 Error: Cannot install *** for the arch(s) 'x86_64' because Error: its dependency gettext is only installed for the archs 'i386 ppc'. Error: Unable to execute port: architecture mismatch 前不久系统刚升级到MAC OS X 10.6.5,xcode 也是最新版本3.2.5 https://trac.macports.org/ ...
Got error when running svn in Snow Leopard dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libiconv.2.dylib   Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/svn   Reason: Incompatible library version: svn requires version 8.0.0 or later, but libiconv.2.dylib provides version 7.0.0 Trace/BPT trap ------------ The followin ...


Ad hoc Random/Gorilla testing Exploratory Heuristic -------------- TestNG soapUI ---------- TBD
/etc/profile Add following info at the end: PATH="/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8:/usr/local/bin:/Users/twer/.gem/ruby/1.8/bin:$PATH" ------------------- cucumber mingle plugin Edit env.rb undre cucumber-mingle/examples/features/support, change the url , usr and psw ---------------- Mi ...


记一笔 Scenario: Some specified users(within a user group) don't have permission to some pages. Description: It works well in UAT env, but when goes to prod env, it does not work for some pages...After investigation, it is due to that when there is exception of some pages(although it doesn't affect the ...
Tested XSS the other day manually due to time constraint, using some xss cheat sheet from web. Found Google's tool Ratproxy then, played with it and write some notes about that. Env: Ubuntu 1. Install  libssl and openssl sudo apt-get install libssl-dev openssl 2. Download ratproxy from http://cod ...
1. To make the file can be opened in the terminal using mate filename    sudo ln -s /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/Resources/mate /usr/bin/ 2. .tmTheme files are under /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Themes 3. Command + shift + t go to specific function/method ----------------- ...
http://wiki.openqa.org/display/WTR/Install+Watir#InstallWatir-Mac Installation on Mac sudo gem update --system sudo gem install firewatir sudo gem install safariwatir
1. Download .jar from fitnesse.org 2. Move it to C:\ 3. Run "java -jar fitnesse.jar" 4. Open "http://localhost" PS:Step 3 is needed all the time you run fitnesse Fitnesse Tutorial http://schuchert.wikispaces.com/FitNesse.Tutorials.0 Brief analysis http://flyisland.blogbus.com/l ...
http://blog.vsharing.com/agiledo/A963177.html - 无关大小 - 只是尊重! - 公司有勇气尊重团队,不乱加任务 - 团队有勇气尊重自己,承担责任,在时间盒内尽力交出活儿 - 客户有勇气尊重开发,承认自个儿的需求不一定靠谱,参与到开发中 - 财务有勇气尊重变化,将绩效核算方式进行升级 一切源自对自身的尊重!
1、原则 VS. 规则 2、Active driving 3、interpersonal relationship difference between project and common life 4、Focus 5、to be continue
1. 地铁到站刚减速,就见一个准备下车的GG向车厢后面走了一段,车停稳后,此GG站的车门正好面对出站电梯。 2. Regression Test  & Function Test 3.Pay more attention to everything in daily life, esp in the project.Then you can make the progress step by step and give proper feedback both to your peer and youself. 4.Got my first feedback after first re ...
Huimin gave us a useful session several days ago, time to review it:) 1.TextMate is the best Ruby editor in Mac by now. 2.YAML is a new file format to maintain a huge amount of data 3.Refractor is needed when the same operation to different data.Such as the header and footer, we can abstract them ...
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