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        location /pics/ {             gridfs gridfs   field=filename     type=string;             mongo;         }         location /pic/ {            proxy_set_header Host  $host;            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For  $remote_addr;            proxy_buffer_size 16k; ...
Redis 2.2.0 RC1 新特性:很多都是我所期待的; Specially encoded data types, small lists and sets can now use up to an order of magnitude less memory. VM partial rewrite for code cleaness and memory usage.* Change to the implementation of the top level dictionary for better memory efficienty. redis-cli is hu ...
Changes with Apache 2.2.13   *) SECURITY: CVE-2009-2412 (cve.mitre.org)     Distributed with APR 1.3.8 and APR-util 1.3.9 to fix potential overflow     in pools and rmm, where size alignment was taking place.     [Matt Lewis <mattlewis@google.com>, Sander Striker]   *) mod_ssl, ab: improve co ...
A month ago iBATIS turned 7 years old, and while we're celebrating a little late, today we're happy to announce iBATIS 3 for Java. iBATIS 3 is a complete rewrite from the ground up and thus represents the biggest change since the very first version of iBATIS released in 2002. There are a lot of moder ...
New Features Binary Protocol A new feature that brings new features. We now have goodness like CAS-everywhere (e.g. delete), silent, but verifiable mutation commands, and many other wonders. Note that the original protocol is not deprecated. It will be supported indefinitely, although some new fea ...
 据业内人士估算,北京每天有近300人可能因口腔治疗途径感染乙肝病毒;而购置牙科高温高压蒸汽灭菌设备需要几十万乃至上百万的资金,小的口腔诊所大多数花不起或者不愿花这笔钱。   不到30岁的李女士最近被确诊为乙 ...
      微软中国开源节流,在中国零售渠道产品买的一塌糊涂,发明一种新的盈利模式,找托去电脑城买电脑,通过查盗版起诉销售商进行赔偿。高实在是高!!哈哈!       http://www.techweb.com.cn/news/2009-07-03/414695.shtm l
Changes with nginx 0.7.60                                        15 Jun 2009    *) Feature: the "updating" parameter in "proxy_cache_use_stale" and       "fastcgi_cache_use_stale" directives.    *) Feature: the "keepalive_requests" directive.    *) Bugf ...
  它只用了几个月就获得千万美元风险投资,却用三年时间也找不到软着陆的真实市场。一个“热钱时代”宠儿的沦落轨迹   “现在,‘和稀泥’已经没用了。”面对《环球企业家》,酷讯网CEO张海军毫无掩饰之意,“我们前两年解决了‘做正确的事情’的问题,而我们去 年的错误是没有‘正确地做事’。”因此,自年初开始,这家公司开始了主动求变的一切:裁撤不合适的管理者、削减冗员、重视运营⋯⋯   通常,当一家创业公司的CEO如此真诚的袒露公司的错误,他会轻易获得足够多的宽容与耐心:毕竟,创业本身就是一个不断与各种麻烦、错误“过招”的过程。   但此刻,似乎很少有人愿意倾听张的言辞。在网络上,大量文章以“ ...
More than 10 million websites were found running F5 BIG-IP devices, in our most recent Web Server Survey. F5's BIG-IP product family uses the TMOS platform to provide a modular approach to traffic management, and several distinct modules are available for tasks such as load balancing, SSL acceleratio ...
In the May 2009 survey we received responses from 235,890,526 sites, an increase of 4.3 million on last month. Apache remains firmly in the lead, having gained 3.3 million sites, and Microsoft-IIS remains second, having lost almost 0.9 million (mostly due to less activity seen at accounts on Microsof ...
Changes with nginx 0.7.55                                        06 May 2009    *) Bugfix: the http_XXX parameters in "proxy_cache_use_stale" and       "fastcgi_cache_use_stale" directives did not work.    *) Bugfix: fastcgi cache did not cache header only responses.    *) ...
In the April 2009 survey we received responses from 231,510,169 sites. This represents an increase of over 6 million sites when compared with last month, with Google and nginx accounting for almost all of the changes. Apache remains in the lead, as it has since 1996, with a total of over 106 ...
 “我们的目标是,让中国移动的用户去麦当劳买汉堡不用带零钱。”中国移动上海公司数据业务部总经理王华昨日对CBN记者表示,4月底、5月初中国移动将先在上海开始用户招募,今年大规模推动手机无线支付。   中国移动 ...
Changes with nginx 0.7.52                                        20 Apr 2009    *) Feature: the first native Windows binary release.    *) Bugfix: in processing HEAD method while caching.    *) Bugfix: in processing the "If-Modified-Since", "If-Range", etc.       client request ...
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