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第一种 一.quartz作业: 只接写个JAVA类 public class AppendIndexJob { private Dao dao; public Dao getDao() { return dao; } public void setDao(Dao dao) { this.dao = dao; } public void test() { System.out.println("in test time: " + String.format("%tT", new Date())) ...
CronTrigger配置完整格式为: [秒] [分] [小时] [日] [月] [周] [年]  序号 说明  是否必填  允许填写的值 允许的通配符  1  秒  是  0-59    , - * /  2  分  是  0-59   , - * /  3 小时  是  0-23   , - * /  4  日  是  1-31   , - * ? / L W  5  月  是  1-12 or JAN-DEC   , - * /  6  周  是  1-7 or SUN-SAT   , ...
导入表数据时要修改表对应的序列值方法: declare  startValue number;  num number; seq_name varchar2(100) := 'SQN_POST_INFO'; --序列名称  begin --查出序列开始值 select max(nbi.POST_ID)+1 into startValue from POST_INFO nbi;  --查序列是否存在,存在删除  select count(1) into num from dba_objects db where db.Object_Type='SEQUENCE' AND db.objec ...
错误信息: 2008-9-8 9:54:25 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase writeRequest 信息: 100 (continue) read timeout. Resume sending the request 2008-9-8 9:54:25 org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase readResponse 信息: Discarding unexpected response: HTTP/1.1 100 Continue 访问时间要70S左右 客户端代码上加: System. ...
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