launch images in landscape mode not showed on iphone 4s/5/5s in iOS 8   Solved it by going the old proven way: Provide all the above assets for apps in landscape only Dont use AssetCatalog       http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27087553/assetcatalog-launchimage-landscape-only-iphone-4 ...
-> build settings -> COMBINE_HIDPI_IMAGES to NO this is the only solution that works and no other change is necessary http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12244494/image-resources-for-ios
Xcode archive succeeded but not show in organizer, enter the xcode archive folder, it is a empty file. find the solution on stackoverflow.com http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6716756/why-does-xcode-archive-succeed-but-create-an-empty-xcarchive-file 引用I have the solution to my problem and if anyo ...
When develop the IAP feature follow with the Apple IAP guide , I get a failed case: - (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray *)transactions case SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed with this error: error Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 "Cannot connect to iTunes ...

bullet tips

when use bullet as the physics engine, I had got these problem:  1. about Restitution P : when the rigid body use simple collision shape such as box, cylinder as their collision shape and moving on a static rigid body, the gravity will  make the rigid object move down into the static rigid body's su ...
Linearity and Gamma http://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/Illumination/Tut12%20Monitors%20and%20Gamma.html   Color on iPhone http://www.colorwiki.com/wiki/Color_on_iPhone

BRDF Explained

  • 3d
Normal Matrix Normals are funny.  They're vec3's, since you don't want perspective on normals.   And they don't actually scale quite right--a 45 degree surface with a 45 degree normal, scaled by glScalef(1,0.1,1), drops the surface down to near 0 degrees, but actually tilts the normal *up*, in the ...
When update Ogre source to the stable version 1.9 with Mac osx 10.7,Xcode 4.6.3, CMake, I get  this error   Reference to 'FileInfo' is ambiguous     /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.8.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices ...
when we are using btGeneric6DofSpringConstraint for physic constraints, be careful about those methods: setAngularUpperLimit setAngularLowerLimit setLinearLowerLimit setLinearUpperLimit, the axis will be not limited if the degree value of its minLimit > its maxLimit .   setLimit(aix,minLimit,m ...
Recast Settings Uncovered   Some folks have been wondering what is the meaning behind some of the Recast generation settings. Here's a quick primer how to derive the correct values.First you should decide the size of your character "capsule". For example if you are using meters as units ...

recastnavigation study

  • game
a good place to find the design detail for recastnavigation http://www.critterai.org/book/export/html/2 a place to study game ai http://aigamedev.com  
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