在数据库中执行一个批处理SQL语句 With batch updating, a set of SQL statements is assembled and then sent altogether to the database for execution. Batch updating can improve performance. This example creates a batch of insert statements. Auto-commit is disabled so that you have the choice of committing or not in th ...
1.解压 InstantRails-1.6-win.zip 到 d:\rails\目录下
删除 d:\rails\ruby 目录
2. 重新安装ruby:ruby185-21.exe
安装到目录 d:\rails\ruby 目录下。
3. 安装rails
D:\rails\ruby>gem install rails --include-dependencies
4. 安装mysql
D:\rails\ruby>gem install mysql
5. 测试连接 mysql
D:\ruby>ruby connect_mysql.rb
6. 版本
(1) ...