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我在CSDN上面写了一些JBoss技术博客,欢迎大家光临指正,我将列表更新如下: JBoss 7/WildFly 配置管理,开发示例,架构分析,最佳实践 数据网格,分布式缓存,No-SQL数据库,Key/Value数据存储 jBPM 工作流应用开发指南
Primary purpose of this blog is to use http://kylinsoong.iteye.com/blog/1250681 Listed API, complete a demo application: this application has two part, one is the Server, the other is Client, Client send a message to the Server Side, the Server response the recieved message to Client. as following pi ...
java.nio is very useful and a pretty good supplement for java.io, today's series I will exploring java.nio key interface and class in below figures:  Channel: A channel represents an open connection to an entity such as a hardware device, a file, a network socket, or a program component that is capa ...
Usually we need to check the table is exist or not before create a new table, In Mysql database, that's very easy, 'cause mysql default sql statement support exist check, But in Oracle it's quite complicated. the following is a solution to validate the table is existable before create it in Oracle Pl ...
Today's Source code analysing series I will dive into java.rmi.server.RMISocketFactory, First the UML Diagram:  This Diagram containing 1 abstract Class: RMISocketFactory, and 3 Interface: RMIClientSocketFactory, RMIServerSocketFactory, RMIFailureHandler.   RMIServerSocketFactory only has one meth ...
I met a request: I need to read files from Computer File System and insert this readed files into Oracle database as Clob, and need to complete this through PL/SQL only. To describ this request more clearly, we list the create table sql statements firstly: create table stylesheet ( stylesheet_na ...
JMX Architecture Overview: JMX technology provides a standard API for management and monitoring of resources. As http://kylinsoong.iteye.com/admin/blogs/794995  Part 3 depicted, the JMX architecture can be broken down into three levels: Instrumentation, Agent, Remote Management, As the following fig ...

PL/SQL Studing Notes

      As an extension of native sql, PL/SQL has Procedural Language features of programming languages. like block structures what it consists of blocks of code, can be nested within each other, can be stored in database and be reused, another advantage of PL/SQL is performance, PL SQL engine processe ...
今天做测试发现Oracle服务器磁盘使用率达到100%导致Oracle Server 不能够正常运行,花了好久时间最后请教Linux高手清理了出了100GB的空间,下面列出用到的一些Linux Command, as Following: 1. Use 'df' to check file system disk usage df -k df -l  the outputs: Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/VolGroup00-LogVol00 ...
This blog will beas on a series of examples to account for each viewpoint which will list below. I. Overview of JDBC       JDBC defines how a Java program can communicate with a database. JDBC API provides two packages they are java.sql and javax.sql . By using JDBC API, you can connect virtually a ...
This section I will concertate on the difference of messaging mechenism with old platform Jboss. 1. Queue Test       Firstly, deploy a Queue on EAP-5.1 Jboss, create 'homeTest-service.xml' file under $JBOSS_HOME\server\default\deploy\messaging, and the 'homeTest-service.xml' contain text as followi ...
Jboss enterprise platform 5 have some big change compared with platform 4(Jboss-eap-4.3), to explore this changes, so we started our Jboss-eap-5.1 studying, this section we just point to platform 5's starting up. Step 1: Pre-installation-Requisites       From Jboss-eap-5.1 documents, there do not n ...
The Following Exception is really Frequency When we Using Oracle. 1. ORA-02292: integrity constraint (IPCUSER.STUDENT_STUDENTCARD_FK) violated - child record found       If you delete a row from a table, and one of this row's columns referenced by another table, and then this Exception been throwed ...
 SQL Join       SQL Join are used very frequently to query data from 2 or more tables, base on the relationship between certain columns in these tables.       Tables in a certain database are offen related to each other with keys.       A primary key is a column(or a combination of columns) with a ...
      In some occasion we offen need to know a Class belongs to which jar in lots of jars, for example: if we want to know org.jboss.security.SecurityAssociation refered jar under JBOSS_HOME, we all know there are quite a lot number of jars existed in JBOSS_HOME, So it's obviously impossiable to do t ...
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