- 浏览: 446356 次
- 性别:
- 来自: 深圳
css li 不换行 -
netbeans 中使用 maven -
servlet 以 gzip 格式返回数据 -
gdb 调试工具 -
css li 不换行
java: lib & classpath
- 博客分类:
- J2SE
classpath, is the path to search for third-part or user-defined classes,refer to:* linux docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/tools/solaris/classpath.html docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/extensions/extensions.html docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/tools/solaris/jdkfil ...
Scan classes with specified annotation under specified package.
* define annotation
* use annotation on class
* get class set with specified annotations under specified packages,
2 approach:
* spring (preferred)
use util class from spring:
grub config for ubuntu 10.04 ~ 13.04,
steps to edit:
* sudo cp /etc/default/grub /etc/default/grub.bak
* sudo vi /etc/default/grub
do changes
* sudo update-grub
this will re-generate /boot/grub/grub.cfg automatically,
* ok
"/boot/grub/grub.cfg&quo ...
(转自:) http://www.objc.io/issue-10/ip-tcp-http.html
When an app communicates with a server, more often than not, that communication happens over HTTP. HTTP was developed for web browsers: when you enter http://www.objc.io into your browser, the browser talks to the server named www.objc.io usin ...
use shell to change encodeing of files under a folder recusively,
the script use a tool called "enca", install it if not yet,
there will be error info during execution, ignore that, it doesnot matter,
#! /bin/bash
# change encode of files to utf8 recusively
# ...
Simple http server & client implementation by pure j2se.
http - client:
package eric.j2se.net.http;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.LineNumberReader;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.net.Socket;
* <p>
* A simple htt ...
lucene - demo
- 博客分类:
- lucene
demo - location:
* download lucene
there is a "demo" folder, it include a war file,
* download lucene source
it include source code for demo,
demo - doc:
in lucene's doc, in "Getting Started" section, there is a part ...
I want to say **** Unity!
Just bring gnome-classic back, it's so perfect, so easy to use & to do customization.
You might say, you can find ways to use gnome-classic, but I want to say, if most people want to use gnome by default, why do you still put unity as default, and it's very dif ...
there is table store course score of students, now write a sql to query student who has at least 2 course failed, means score<60,
sql: (mysql)
# drop table
drop table if exists score;
# create table
create table score(
id integer AUTO_INCREMENT primary key,
student_nu ...
Java proxy
- 博客分类:
- J2SE
Java proxy
proxy, a design pattern base on reflect, it handle method invocation on object with a proxy instance,
class & interface
* java.lang.reflect.Proxy
help to create proxy instance,
* java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler
implement it to specify the proxy lo ...
Java lock & condition
- 博客分类:
- J2SE
java Lock & Condition, provide a similar, yet more extensive locking mechanism than synchronized,
similar to the monitor lock used by synchronized, but more powerfull,
bound to lock, provide methods similar to wait()/notify()/notifyAll() of Object,
cla ...
maintain record in file using assembly,
table & record
design a simple table which has several fields with fixed-length,
the records are saved in file permanently,
operations on records
add a record to end of file,
get a record by line num ...
assembly - file
- 博客分类:
- assembly
assembly operate file,
unix/linux file
linux use the same file concept of unix, any file could be accessed as a sequential stream of bytes,
step to use file:
* open file
open file by file path, and will get a number called file descriptor, which will be used to refer to th ...
assembly - function
- 博客分类:
- assembly
function, enable program broken into pieces, so that for reuse & easy to maintain,
define function
function is the same as normal assembly instructions,
it has a label, and use ".type label_name, @function" to tell that this is a function,
.type label_name, @f ...
视频网站 广告 屏蔽 - 彻底版
- 博客分类:
- other
参考: http://joys.name/2011/09/block-youku-ad.html
youku 放的广告太恶心了,又长又恶心,一点广告水准都没有,严重影响我看视频的心情,所以去互联网找了个方法把 优酷 阉割了, 彻底的 ...
另外 youku 老是放着放着 或者 快进之后 就突然不能放了,还得刷新,然后又是一遍广告,实在太坑爹了,
* 在 hosts 文件中屏蔽相关 ip
hosts 文件位置:
/etc/host ...