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官方解释 ORA-22858 invalid alteration of datatype Cause: An attempt was made to modify the column type to object, REF, nested table, VARRAY or LOB type. Action: Create a new column of the desired type and copy the current column data to the new type using the appropriate type constructor. ORA-22858: 是or ...
更换workspace后启动正常。。。(重装MyEclipse无效) MyEclipse中更改workspace的方法 1. 启动Eclipse/MyEclipse后, 打开"Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace", 点Workspace页上的"Startup and Shutdown", 然后勾选"Startup and Shutdown"页中的"Prompt for workspace on startup"; 2. 用记事本打开&qu ...
现在学习使用xfire调用webservice,遇到一些问题,把她贴出来,希望能帮到需要她的人 1、Content is not allowed in prolog. BOM问题,没搞太清楚 参考: http://weishuwei.iteye.com/blog/42872 http://happyhou.blog.sohu.com/84258111.html http://www.cnblogs.com/kaixin110/archive/2007/12/25/1013722.html 2、java调用.net服务时 Server did not recognize the valu ...
该软件可以在http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/gui-tools/5.0.html处下载到 1、 运行MySQL Migration Toolkit,一路“Next”到“Source Database”,在Database System中选择Oracle Database Server,如果第一次使用会告之要求加载驱动程序ojdbc14.jar。 加载驱动程序之后,界面将变成如下的形式,在其中填写Oracle数据库的连接信息,按“Next”继续。 2、 在Target Database中默认Database System为MySQL Server,在Co ...
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