  • 浏览: 6333 次
   检查了代码, 已经写了batch_size。但是还是不管用。   Properties.setProperty("hibernate.jdbc.batch_size", "200");     查询了Stack Overflow, batch_size 不起作用有可能是因为:   Note Hibernate disables insert batching at the JDBC level transparently if you use an identity identifier generator. 相关链接: ht ...
Below is learnt from my colleague. Next time i wish i can solve it independently.   import static java.util.stream.Collectors.groupingBy; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.reducing; import static java.util.stream.Collectors.toList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import ...
REM新建文件夹 md [name] REM 新建文件 echo>[fileName] REM 删除文件夹 rmdir [name] REM 判断e:\mybooks\text.txt是否存在,存在显示OK,否则显示err REM (括号内内容可以换行) REM @echo off 关掉回显 REM if exist 或者 if not exist @echo off if exist "e:\mybooks\text.txt" (echo ok ) else (echo err) pause  
Git Remote branch Merge conflict   situation: local branch A remote branch A master   In local eclipase, 1. [Git Perspective] --> right click branch A --> merge --> choose master. 2. propose the confilict 3. [Team Synchronizing Perspective] --> Mark as Merged --> commit and ...

Identity Insert

 identity_insert: SET IDENTITY_INSERT Entity ON INSERT INTO Entity (id, name, description) VALUES(1, 'book', 'book') SET IDENTITY_INSERT Entity OFF

Git Command

  • Git
REM add all content to index git add * REM add all content and commit (-m) git -am <msg> REM git push to remote branch git push origin <branch Name>  

Alter Table

add new column to an existed table: alter table [tblName] add [colName] [type] * only can add to the tail in MSSQL, in MySQL, can use 'after + [colName]'   delete column: alter table [tblName] drop column [colName]
nullif (A, B) -->return null if A equals B (, else return A) eg:  select nullif('','') --null   isnull(A, B) --> if A is null, return B (; else return B) eg:  select isnull(null,null) --null select isnull(3,null) --3 select isnull(null,'44') --44 select isnull('33','44') --33 ...
Right Click database -> Tasks -> Generate Script. ["Introduction" page: click next] "Choose Objects" page: click table name(s) Set Scripting Options: click advanced -> Types of data to script , choose "Schema and data" click finish    
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