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1、拷贝Other\FirefoxPortableSource\FirefoxPortable.ini到根目录,跟firefoxportable.exe同一个目录 2、修改AllowMultipleInstances=true
把max_statements设置为0。 c3p0在同时关闭statement和connection的时候,或者关闭他们之间的时间很短的时候,有时候connection并没有被关闭,因为有些preparedstatement还在被cached住。这是c3p0的作者自己说的。 http://forum.hibernate.org/viewtopic.php?t=947246&highlight=apparent+deadlock+c3p0 C3P0增加以下配置信息:   //set to 'SELECT 1'       preferredTestQuery =  ...
When you need to edit a configuration file from the command line in a pinch, use these tips for the ins and (especially) outs of vim. If one thing is for sure about Linux, it's that it has no shortage of text editors. This reflects the largely text-based nature of Linux, from the command line, t ...
1,简单替换表达式 替换命令可以在全文中用一个单词替换另一个单词: :%s/four/4/g “%” 范围前缀表示在所有行中执行替换。最后的 “g” 标记表示替换行中的所有匹配点。如果仅仅对当前行进行操作,那么只要去掉%即可 如果你有一个象 “thirtyfour” 这样的单词,上面的命令会出错。这种情况下,这个单词会被替换成”thirty4″。要解决这个问题,用 “\<” 来指定匹配单词开头: :%s/\<four></four> 显然,这样在处理 “fourty” 的时候还是会出错。用 “\>” 来解决这个问题: :%s ...
If you are running Ubuntu on a computer with a Windows disk, you may want to read and write to the disk. Ubuntu can safely read the Windows NT NTFS partitions and can read and write to Windows 95/98/2000 FAT32 partitions. First, load a terminal, and use the fdisk command to know what partitions y ...
If you try to install some software or upgrade your computer, and you get an error, the package manager may have tied itself in a knot. To try to resolve this, open a terminal, and run the following commands: foo@bar:~$ sudo apt-get updatefoo@bar:~$ sudo apt-get -f install The first command upda ...
In the rare situation that the desktop hangs, first try to restart it by pressing Alt-Ctrl-Backspace at the same time. This kills and restarts the X server. Another method of killing the X server is to press Alt+F2 to jump to a terminal, log in, and then run this command: foo@bar:~$ /etc/init.d/ ...
When a distribution package is not available, the source code is always available to compile with Open Source applications. Compilation is the process of converting programming code into a program that you can run and use. Although it sounds like a devilishly difficult process, it is typically fai ...
Open a terminal, and then go to the folder where the ISO image has been downloaded. As an example, if you saved it to your disk in Firefox, it will have saved it to the Desktop folder in your home folder: foo@bar:~$ cd Desktop To test that the ISO image works, you are going to mount it and acc ...
 Linux Folders Folder Use /boot Contains important files to boot the computer including the bootloade ...
一方面不是所有人都会用到 Openoffice.org 另外,如果装了 Openoffice.org2 , 那也没有必要 留着 Openoffice.org 可是 Ubuntu 里好几个重要的包都依赖 Openoffice.org 如果直接 sudo apt-get remove openoffice.org-bin 那就会删掉好几个重要的包 这儿有一个解决 用一个空的 fake 包来包涵OOo Provides: openoffice.org, openoffice.org-bin, openoffice.org-gtk-gnome, openoffice.org-help-zh- ...
安装GNOME方法: sudo apt-get install gnome 或者 sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop 删除Gnome的方法: apt-get –purge remove liborbit2 ============ 安装kde方法: sudo apt-get install kde(实验可以) 安装KDE: 方法一: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop sudo apt-get install language-pack-kde-zh language-pack-kde-zh-base ...
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