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一位前辈经验 --有目的的学习,学以致用,将来必有更好的发展。 learning spoken English from a classmate --speak following recordings and see English TV Show in spare time. 学习新东西 --先看中文入门 --动手, 一个大的相关练习 --对相应重要的东西查找英文资料准确了解 文献阅读(zz) 先看两篇综述,搞清过去未来; 再看具体文章,搞清技术方法; 阅读摘要为主,全文只能为辅; 书籍大多没用,别去浪费时间; (基本方法的书,如果用得着可以简单看) 文献看少没用,少说也要两百。 前 ...
Object String Math Date Array Array:数组对象 Boolean BOOL型对象 Date:日期型对象 Function:函数型对象 Global:全局对象 Math:数学对象 Number:数值常数 Object:通用对象 RegExp:正则表达式 Error :错误对象
array to list List list = Arrays.asList(array); decouple try catch and try finally try{ try{ //code } finally{ //code } catch(Exception ex){ //code }

vim tip

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`. move to the last edit. # :%s/text/replacement text/g search through the entire document for text and replace it with replacement text. # :%s/text/replacement text/gc search through the entire document and confirm before replacing text.

java null cast

摘自 Java Language Specification The null reference can always be cast to any reference type.In practice, the programmer can ignore the null type and just pretend that null is merely a special literal that can be of any reference type. Object obj = null; String str = (String) obj; Integer a = (In ...
public > protected > package >private Access Levels Modifier Class Package Subclass World public Y Y Y Y protected Y Y Y N no modifier Y Y N N private Y N N N
var newEmail = $("input[@name=" + UIEntity.name + "newEmail]").val(); var newEmailVerify = $("input[@name=" + UIEntity.name + "newEmailVerify]").val();
var t = true; var f = false; var a = t && null; var b = f && null; var c = null && t; var d = null && f; alert("true null: " + a); alert("false nul ...
sub class must call base class's constructor     sub class will invoke base class's constructor implicityly     if super constructor  is undefined, must explicitly invoke another constructor 子类以一定要调用到父类方法。 子类可以隐式的调用父类默认的构造方法。 如果父类没有默认构造方法,必须显示调用。 Constructor call must be the first statement in the ...
org.springframework.mail.MailSender void send(SimpleMailMessage simpleMessage) throws MailException; private static JavaMailSender mailSender = null; mailSender = (JavaMailSender) xxx; public static void sendMail(SimpleMailMessage msg) { mailSender.send(msg); } 为什么s ...
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