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java 读书 -
看了一点,不过是电子版的……你这一说到提醒我了,还要继续学习哈 ...
java 读书
If you want success in JAVA, you do not need to enroll in a class. You could save a lot of money by simply reading a good book. When you refer to a good JAVA book, you are also more likely to get detailed and current information than you would from a teacher or from self-education since good JAVA boo ...
Most of the Core Java interview questions are derived from Multi-Threading & Collections framework. This post is a collection of some good questions in threads area which I came across and thought of taking a note for referring anytime in future.
1.What is synchronization in respect to multi-t ...
Below listed books are highly recommended by readers and project managers working on Agile Development projects as they help get a 360 degree view of the techniques, tools and procedures used in Agile Development. To know some of the best practices in Agile Development, you must read these books whos ...
- 2012-03-14 03:26
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By - Sachin | 6/07/2010 | Labels: Tips
Design patterns provide a structure in which problems can be solved. When solving a real problem, you have to consider many small variations of a solution to that problem to see whether any fits a design pattern.
To understand and get used to design patterns ...
11:30 downtown TAL group ltd meeting
9:30 walk to bus stop
10:05 got bus 105
10:35 arrived downsview subway station
11:05 arrived king station
11:13 arrived 69 young street
11:18 arrived TAL group 11 floor
3 position (Jave Web/ JEE/ contract)
1,map for findnumbers in array
2, single linked ...
1,download JBOSS as stable version.
2, unzip on your computer like c:\JEE\jboss\.......
3, set 2 system enverionment
add these ;%JBOSS_HOME%\bin; in path
4, start jboss
1,https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/Getting+S ...
step1: http://www.sliksvn.com/en/download
download subversion
step 2:
TortoiseSVN integrates very nicely with the Windows Explorer and has been a "must have" for a long time.
TortoiseSVN downloads
step 3:
Subclipse is a great plug-in for Eclipse (including Eclipse ...
Web 服务提示与技巧: JAX-RPC 与 JAX-WS 的比较(RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call)
发布日期: 2007 年 1 月 15 日
设计与开发 JAX-WS 2.0 Web 服务
发布日期: 2007 年 11 月 29 日
Java W ...
SOAP 1.1
The following is a sample SOAP 1.1 request and response. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /globalweather.asmx HTTP/1.1
Host: www.webservicex.net
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: "http://www.webserviceX.NET/GetC ...
WSDL 文档在Web服务的定义中使用下列元素:
Types - 数据类型定义的容器,它使用某种类型系统(一般地使用XML Schema中的类型系统)。
Message - 通信消息的数据结构的抽象类型化定义。使用Types所定义的类型来定义整个消息的数据结构。
Operation - 对服务中所支持的操作的抽象描述,一般单个Operation描述了一个访问入口的请求/响应消息对。
PortType - 对于某个访问入口点类型所支持的操作的抽象集合,这些操作可以由一个或多个服务访问点来支持。
Binding - 特定端口类型的具体协议和数据格式 ...
Web Services Introduction
Before understanding why web services are popular or so important, you should first assess ‘What is Web Services, what’s its use and how does it work?’ The nature and functionality of web services have made it very popular. Nowadays, our business systems have matured, trans ...
Here I am putting 20 REST questions. Please read some tutorial on REST before taking up these questions. Simply mugging up the answers will not give you the confidence for interview.
Some questions may not be applicable to eveyone. For example if you have used anything else than CXF or RESTLET for b ...
新一代的 Web Services 框架如 Axis2、CXF 都是由现有的项目中逐渐演化而来的,Axis2 是由大家熟悉的 Axis 1.x 系列演化过来,而 Apache CXF 则是由 Celtix 和 XFire 项目整合而生,并且刚刚发布了 2.0.2 的最新版本,不过仍是 Apache 的一个孵化项目。
Axis2 是对 Axis 进行了彻底的重写的一个新项目了,它使用了新的模块化架构,更方便于功能性的扩展等等。
Apache CXF 则是由 XFire 和 Celtix 两个现有的项目进行了重组。
问题:如果现有的应用程序是基于 Axis 1.x、XFire 或者 Cel ...
13.使用x ...