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  • iloveflower: 呵呵。好好学习。。。。。。。。。。。。
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  • Eric.Yan: 看了一点,不过是电子版的……你这一说到提醒我了,还要继续学习哈 ...
    java 读书

install subversion on windows 7

step1: http://www.sliksvn.com/en/download

download subversion

step 2:

TortoiseSVN integrates very nicely with the Windows Explorer and has been a "must have" for a long time.
TortoiseSVN downloads

step 3:
Subclipse is a great plug-in for Eclipse (including Eclipse PDT and Zend Studio for Eclipse). It can be installed and updated from within Eclipse.
Go to Help | Software Updates | Find and Install...
Choose Search new features to install, Next.
Choose New Remote Site, enter name "Subclipse" and URL "http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.8.x".
Select the created "Subclipse" site and click Next.
Follow the instructions and restart the workbench.


    HOWTO: Subversion for Windows with Apache server

    **Subversion for Windows with Apache 服务器安装指南** 在IT行业中,版本控制系统对于团队协作和代码管理至关重要。Subversion(简称SVN)就是这样一个强大的工具,它允许开发人员追踪和控制文件及目录的变更。本...

    VisualSVN Server 2.5.4 | Subversion Server for Windows

    VisualSVN Server allows you to easily install and manage a fully-functional Subversion server on the Windows platform. Thanks to its robustness, unbeatable usability and unique enterprise-grade ...

    viewvc subversion

    ViewVC -- Viewing the content of CVS/SVN repositories with a Webbrowser. Please read the file INSTALL for more ...And see windows/README for more information on running ViewVC on Microsoft Windows.

    VisualSVN Server 3.5.4 破解补丁

    VisualSVN Server allows you to easily install and manage a fully-functional Subversion server on the Windows platform. Thanks to its robustness, unbeatable usability and unique enterprise-grade ...

    Centos 7 下安装配置SVN服务器操作文档

    - **安装Subversion**:通过`yum -y install subversion`命令安装Subversion。安装完成后再次使用上述命令检查是否已成功安装。 - **创建SVN目录**:使用命令`mkdir /home/svn`创建一个新的目录用于存放SVN相关的...

    ubuntu 工具源码和安装说明-2

    echo "syntax on" > .vim echo "set backspace=indent,eol,start" > .vim tar xjf m4_1.4.16.orig.tar.bz2 tar xjf gmp-5.0.2.tar.bz2 tar xf mpc-0.9.tar.gz tar xf mpfr-2.4.2.tar.gz mv m4-1.4.16 m4 mv ...

    Visual SVN server

    Typical Subversion setup for team work involves a single server machine being accessed from clients on ...for your team on a Windows platform. It includes Subversion, Apache and a management console


    VisualSVN Server allows you to easily install and manage a fully-functional Subversion server on the Windows platform. Thanks to its robustness, unbeatable usability and unique enterprise-grade ...


    7. **远程访问测试**:在Windows上通过telnet命令测试连接,如`telnet 3690`,确保防火墙设置正确。 8. **SVN目录结构**:通常包括`trunk`、`branch`和`tag`三个目录,分别用于主干代码、开发分支和...

    CentOS 7.2 SVN+Mysql+Apache+PHP版本管理工具安装配置

    - 使用 Yum 安装 Subversion:`yum install subversion -y` 2. **验证 Subversion 版本**: - 执行 `svnserve --version` 来确认安装成功。 3. **创建仓库**: - 建立仓库目录:`mkdir -p /svndata/repositories/...


    VisualSVN Server allows you to easily install and manage a fully-functional Subversion server on the Windows platform. Thanks to its robustness, unbeatable usability and unique enterprise-grade ...


    yum -y install subversion ``` 可以通过以下命令查询 SVN 的安装位置: ```bash rpm -ql subversion ``` ##### 第二步:创建版本库目录 在 `/var` 目录下创建版本库目录: ```bash mkdir /var/svn/svnrepos ``` #...


    (type python install.py -h for some help). Please note that the installation has to be performed using the administrators account (i.e. root on linux). This installs a wrapper script in the ...


    sudo apt-get install subversion ``` 这将自动下载并安装Subversion及其相关的依赖库。 #### 创建SVN仓库 创建SVN仓库是开始使用SVN的基础步骤。仓库是存储项目的所有版本的地方,通常位于服务器上。以下是在...


    3. **安装**:执行`make install`命令完成安装过程。 #### 九、结论 Samba 4.0 是一个强大的工具,不仅能够实现跨平台的文件共享,还支持各种复杂的企业级网络环境。通过深入了解SMB/CIFS协议的历史和技术细节,...


    Subversion Tool:TortoiseSVN mounted on IDEA Front-end Framework: Layui Database:MYSQL 5.7.17 Web Server:apache-tomcat-7.0.104-windows-x64 Java:Java 11 Prerequisites To run this project, we first ...

    SVN usage on Linux

    Subversion (SVN) 是一个开源的版本控制系统,广泛应用于软件开发和其他需要版本控制管理的领域。本文档详细介绍了如何在Linux环境下使用SVN命令行工具来进行版本控制操作,包括但不限于检出代码、创建分支、更新...


    [root@localhost ~]# yum -y install subversion git unzip wget python make gcc gcc-c++ ``` 接下来是需要手动下载并安装的一些模块,包括`quilt`、`yasm`、`pcre`、`swig`等,这些文件需要上传至服务器的`/usr/...

    hydra 7.2 win32

    It was tested to compile cleanly on Linux, Windows/Cygwin, Solaris, FreeBSD and OSX. Currently this tool supports: AFP, Cisco AAA, Cisco auth, Cisco enable, CVS, Firebird, FTP, HTTP-FORM-GET, ...

    svn for redhat 安装手册

    yum install subversion apr apr-util mod_dav_svn ``` **2.2 检查** **2.2.1 安装版本** - 查看SVN的安装版本,确保安装成功。 - 示例: ```shell # 查看SVN版本 svn --version # 输出示例 svn, version ...

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