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这本是 OReilly 出版社的,简单介绍如下: Product Description Learn how to be more productive with Scala, a new multi-paradigm language for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that integrates features of both object-oriented and functional programming. With this book, you'll discover why Scala is ideal for highl ...
《Programming Scala》其实有两本,另一本是 O'Reilly Media 出版的。下面这本国内有中译版,叫作《Scala程序设计:Java虚拟机多核编程实战》,在我看的几本Scala著作中,这本算是最易懂的。   介绍: The increasing popularity and availability of multicore processors is creating a whole new set of challenges--although you can enjoy true concurrency, you're now faced with ...
今天分享一本电子书,书名是《Oreilly.Learning.Python.4th.Edition.Sep.2009》,包含对 Python 3.0 的介绍。   描述: Google and YouTube use Python because it's highly adaptable, easy to maintain, and allows for rapid development. If you want to write high-quality, efficient code that's easily integrated with other l ...
JXTA/JXSE 2.6 发布   JXTA 是什么?请参见 百度百科。 刚刚在网上搜索了一下 JXTA 的状态,才知道在几个月前已经出了2.6版本。JXTA在2001年初刚刚被创建时曾被寄予厚望,但是bug不少,文档也很匮乏,在2007年出了2.5版本之后几年没什么动静,断断续续地有少数的snapshot版本发布。 在 https://jxta-jxse.dev.java.net/ 依旧是2.5版本,其实JXTA已经迁移到 Kenai 平台上,地址是http://jxse.kenai.com,需要到可以到前面这个网址下载。 关于 JXTA 2.6 的消息在网络上中文信息也很 ...
找到一本最近新出的电子书,共享之~~ EBook:《The Quick Python Book》2nd Edition the quick python book The Quick Python Book, Second Edition, is a clear, concise introduction to Python 3, aimed at programmers new to Python. This updated edition includes all the changes in Python 3, itself a significant shi ...
在便于以后对CDN的学习,我在这里翻译了一篇论文,原文地址是 >> 点击 <<。 ——————————— CDN (内容分发网)的未来发展趋势 Ongoing Trends and Future Directions in CDNs    本文通过为CDN社区提供一个研究的路线 ...
原文地址:http://leeing.org/2010/01/14/wordpress-highlighter-plugin/ 今天发现一个 Wordpress 高亮代码的插件,在后台管理界面中搜索 highlighter 就可以找到,它的官方主页是:http://www.lastengine.com/syntax-highlighter-wordpress-plugin/,可以支持以下的语言:  Bash/shell  C#  C++  CSS  Delphi  Diff  Groovy  JavaScript  Java  Perl  PHP  Plain Tex ...
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