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最近实在忍受不了Mac OS X的种种弊端,打算抛弃它,为什么呢?因为: 买了MacBook Pro两年,用了两年,几乎每天都是在忍受,Mac OS X设计得很不人性化,和Windows 7相比,差距很多,比如: 复制/拷贝文件夹很弱智,你想把两个同名文件夹内的文件合并到一处,在Windows下只需要复制a文件夹到另一个a文件夹上,两个a文件夹内的文件自然会合并,该覆盖的覆盖,新文件就直接放进去了,而在Mac OS X中,如果你进行相同操作,则是a文件夹彻底把另一个a文件夹完全替代,第一个a文件夹中的文件就他妈的被Mac OS X直接干掉了。但是有的时候,拷贝一个文件夹到另一个文件夹,又莫 ...
2012-05-07 15:01 佟文立 中国产经新闻 CPU和操作系统领域“缺芯少魂”问题甚至被提升到国家安全的高度,国产操作系统缺少“中国魂”. AD: CPU和操作系统领域“缺芯少魂”问题甚至被提升到国家安全的高度 中标软件有限公司 ...
今天看团队成员的代码,发现凡是涉及到男、女的选项部分,都是“女”在前面,“男”在后面,后来才发现,原来这块儿是个女程序员写得代码,由此可见,代码中是无处不尽显个人特色。 当然,我尊重女性,把“女”选项放到前面非常非常地正常,我也不会该她的代码,但是从这一点可以看出,其实写代码和个人在生活中的表现是一致的,代码可以体现一个人的性格。 生活中严谨、认真、负责的人,代码也写得干净、有逻辑; 生活中邋遢、懒惰、逃避责任的人,代码也写得乱七八糟。 从一个人的代码可以看出一个人的性格。
上学时,老师教的,你所接触到的,全部是理想化的编程环境,没有实际技术问题需要你解决,没有实际业务逻辑需要你去梳理,甚至开发环境都不需要你去关心……,因此,在这种编程教育下,你会认为编程就是学校的这样理想化。 工作以后,你会发现一切都不是理想化的,有很多现实的技术问题需要你自己去解决,有很多业务逻辑需要你自己去实现,甚至开发环境都需要你自己去关心,一切都不是学校里那么理想化,你会发现,实际工作中,没有一个螺丝钉是为你准备好的,你需要自己去制造每一个螺丝钉。
Mac再次回到企业应用领域了。根据去年的销售记录,苹果推出的旗舰级商务计算机设备销量激增,与去年第三季度相比上涨了44%。不过其总市场占有率仍然只有5.3%,远远无法与Windows类设备相提并论。诚然,这么低的部署率可能 ...
    就在国家863重点科研项目麒麟操作系统软件被指涉嫌抄袭后,近日又有不愿透露姓名的Linux专家告诉记者:“至今国际正式发布的Linux内核文件中,尚没有中国人开发的一行代码。”这一情况,得到了国内Linux产业力促者、中 ...
P.S:这篇文章不是我写的,我只是转载而已,转载自:http://blog.donews.com/baichi/archive/2006/07/16/962805.aspx 国内的Linux 折腾族都很愣很激动,他们都容不得别人对Linux有异议,典型的独裁思维,所以,这篇文章肯定有很多Linux折腾族们 ...
To confuse matters more, many so-called compiled languages are now bundled with just-in-time compilers that make them as agile as scripting languages. First, Java got Java Server Pages, allowing programmers to tweak Web pages just like PHP and Cold Fusion programmers could. Lately Java programmers ha ...
Chrome OS is also based on the Linux kernel, but as user environments go, it offers much less than Ubuntu does. A Chrome OS device boots directly into a version of the Chrome browser that's virtually indistinguishable from the Mac or Windows version, nothing more. The OS supports no other application ...
"There are a lot of interesting new features scattered throughout, but the bulk of the effort has been around improving interfaces, both for the desktop and the Web client," said Bill Pataky, Oracle vice president for product management. [ Keep up with software development issues and tren ...
Oracle gained ownership of Java through the acquisition of Sun Microsystems, but standard technical specifications for it are still guided by the JCP (Java Community Process), an organization made up of companies and individuals with a vested interest in the open source language. "Changes in t ...
Participants in the OpenJDK email-based discussion group, including representatives from Oracle, have been advocating for the Graal project. The effort would explore implementing a dynamic compiler that can be used in a native JVM such as HotSpot or a metacircular JVM such as Maxine. On its project s ...
I decided to have a simple JavaFX 2 animated sample running as attendees entered the room for my RMOUG Training Days 2012 presentation. The desired result was achieved as attendees asked if how the running application was implemented. More than one person was surprised that it was implemented in &quo ...
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