Java的劣势在何处?与前些年相比,现在看的已经很清楚了,Java的劣势就在于做Web表现层的开发。Web表现层开发需求变化频繁,Java这类静态类型的语言不够敏捷,严重影响了开发的效率。   而JavaEE的一个最大的缺点,就是企图在服务器端搞定一切,我将这种开发方式称作“传统集中式的开发方式”。标准的J2EE三层架构——Web表现层、业务层、持久层,也许对于传统的基于HTML表单的Web应用来说是恰当的,但是现在已经显得落伍了。JavaEE企图在服务器端完全搞定Web表现层的开发,给自己制造了一个大麻烦。无论是从这门语言本身,还是从支持这门语言主要的公司Sun、IBM、BEA、Oracle来 ...
JavaEye论坛的Ajax版有几个人具有丰富的DHTML开发经验,我也向他们学到了一些很好的技巧。不过我感觉在那里大多数人的关注点主要还是集中在掌握各种实用的开发框架上。这些开发框架固然很重要,善于使用这些框架有的时候可 ...
     忘记了Windows登录密码怎么办?互联网上有关的解决方法数不胜数,但是尝试后你会发现,许多方法根本不能奏效,有的甚至会导致系统彻底崩溃。经笔者在Windows 2000和Windows XP中反复研究测试,终于发现了一种非常简单的方法,且屡试不爽,具体操作方法如下。   首先到http://www.coollan.net/download/sfcfiles.dll下载sfcfiles.dll文件。然后用DOS启动盘启动电脑。     如果Windows系统所在分区的文件格式为NTFS,则DOS系统无法直接识别,咱们可用Windows PE光盘启动电脑。Windows PE是用一款 ...
For any view technology to succeed, it must have some aspect of templating and re-use that's both easy to use and understand. Facelets technology solves this issue in a way that is ideal for JavaServer Faces while keeping that sense of familiarity to traditional, tag-based user interfaces. This artic ...
Getting Started Facelets is implemented as a JSF ViewHandler, which can be easily configured in your application. Simply make sure the Facelets JAR (jsf-facelets.jar) is in your project's classpath and add a single modification to your faces-config.xml: <faces-config>     <applic ...
The web community is eagerly seeking a framework like Tapestry, backed by JavaServer Faces as the industry standard. While JavaServer Faces and JSP are meant to be aligned, Facelets steps outside of the JSP specification and provides a highly performant, JSF-centric view technology. Anyone who has cr ...
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