开发任何软件都不得不处理Exception和Log,Eclipse Plug-in也是如此。不过幸运的是,Eclipse PDE提供了记录及显示Exception和Log的机制:Error Log View。作为Eclipse SDK的一部分,PDE的普及率很高,所以除非你是要做RCP,不然的话用Error Log View处理Exception和Log应该是你的最佳选择。当然,这也带来了对PDE的依赖性。使用Error Log View实际上非常简单,每个Plug-in的Activator类都有一个getLog()方法,返回一个ILog对象,这个对象就可以把Exception和Log记录到Er ...
Eclipse 提供了一套多线程类库(包括 Job 等)极大的方便了开发人员对多线程程序的处理。本文通过对 Eclipse 内核代码的研究,分析 Eclipse 多线程库的内部实现机制,特别是其内部线程池的实现方式,Job 的调度,线程同步机制等。读者通过阅读本文,可以深入了解 Eclipse 多线程机制,同时加深对 Java 线程的理解。这对于我们设计多任务系统,以及解决多线程问题将大有帮助。 简介 Eclipse 提供了一套多线程类库(包括 Job 等)极大的方便了开发人员对多线程程序的处理。本文通过对 Eclipse 内核代码的研究,分析 Eclipse 多线程库的内部实现机制,特 ...
From URL:http://wiki.apache.org/logging-log4j/Log4jXmlFormat Log4j XML Configuration Primer   Basic example Below is a basic xml configuration file for log4j that will get you started:   <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYS ...
使用vmware(vmware workstation 5)下shared folders功能实现vmware中host与ghost间文件传输,无需任何网络相关设置,不使用任何网络协议,host和ghost可以是linux和windows操作系统,这里只介绍host是windows,ghost是linux下的设置,如果ghost是windows,请参考vmware帮助中setting up shared folders。 1安装vmtools for linux: 选择vmware workstation程序菜单中VM > install VMware tools...   启动ghost ...
As of Eclipse project build I20080305 (shortly before Eclipse 3.4/Ganymede M6), the Eclipse SDK contains a new provisioning system called Equinox/p2. p2 replaces Update Manager as a mechanism for managing your Eclipse install, searching for updates, and installing new functionality. This document w ...
SWT Label 字体加粗     Label head = new Label(composite, SWT.WRAP);        FontData newFontData = head.getFont().getFontData()[0];    newFontData.setStyle(SWT.BOLD);    newFontData.setHeight(12);    Font newFont = new Font(this.getShell().getDisplay(), newFontData);    head.setFont(newFont); ...
Article: http://www.vogella.de/articles/EclipseJFaceTable/article.html  
Article: http://www.vogella.de/articles/EclipseCommands/article.html very good tutorial about eclipse command.
可能是因为在安装linux的过程中忘记了选择支持中文,所以机器在安装完之后从Mozzila访问中文网站全是乱码,在“查看”菜单中即使选择GBK的编码字符集也无效,另外在shell中的中文也为乱码,openOffice打开之后也全为乱码。重装机器是个苦差事,不想那样做。于是我选择了对其进行汉化。 第一步: 修改文件/etc/sysconfig/i18n。将里面的en:US.UTF8修改成zh_CN.GB18030,修改后的内容如下:       LANG="zh_CN.GB18030" LANGUAGE="zh_CN.GB18030:zh_CN ...
Understanding Layouts in SWT Summary When writing applications in SWT, you may need to use layouts to give your windows a specific look. A layout controls the position and size of children in aComposite. Layout classes are subclasses of the abstract class 
Version 0.2   Copyright © 2007 Lars Vogel 16.10.2004 Abstract This article gives a introduction into the Java Preference API which is available since Java 1.4. The Java Preferences API provides a systematic way to handle user and system preference and configuration data, e ...
An Introduction to LDAP Michael Donnelly If you work in the computing industry, the chances are good that you've heard of LDAP by now. Wondering what all the excitement is about? Want to know a little more about the underlying technology? You've come to the right place. This introduction - the fi ...
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."—Alan Kay 1. Why SWT? SWT is a cross platform GUI developed by IBM. Why has IBM created another GUI? Why have not they used existing Java GUI frameworks? To answer those questions, we need to go back to the early days of Java. Sun ha ...
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