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SVN的优点: 目录版本控制(全局版本号) 一致的数据处理: Subversion 使用二进制文件差异算法展现文件的区别。 版本控制的元数据 高效的分支和标签 原子提交 版本控制的方法模型: Lock-Modify-Unlock 优点:强制管理,没有conflict。 缺点:对修改的并发性支持不佳;修改涉及多个文件时,容易造成死锁。 Copy-Modify-Merge 优点:对修改的并发性支持好;修改涉及多个文件时,支持原子提交。 缺点:check in可能有conflict。   Work Copy如何跟踪版本库? 对于Work Copy中的每一个文件, SVN在 ...
MySQL Log Setting MySQL has the following logs: Log Type Description Error Log Problems encountered starting, running, or stopping mysqld General Query Log Established client connections and statements received from clients. Binary Log All statements that change data(also used for repli ...
[转] Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site Minimize HTTP Requests Use a Content Delivery Network Add an Expires or a Cache-Control Header Gzip Components Put Stylesheets at the Top Put Scripts at the Bottom Avoid CSS Expressions Make JavaScript and CSS External Reduce DNS Lookups Mini ...
shell> yum -y groupinstall "Development Tools" Editors "GNOME Desktop Environment" shell> vi /etc/inittab     id:5:initdefault:shell> shutdown -r now shell> fdisk /dev/sdb shell> mke2fs /dev/sdb1 shell> mkdir /work shell> echo /dev/sdb1 /work auto defaults 1 1 ...
Linux shell>./configure \--prefix=/work/tool/php \--with-apxs2=/work/tool/httpd/bin/apxs \--with-config-file-path=/etc \--with-mysql=/work/tool/mysql \--with-pdo-mysql=/work/tool/mysql \--with-mysqli=/work/tool/mysql/bin/mysql_config \--with-mcrypt=/usr/local --with-gd --with-curl --with-zlib --en ...
shell> groupadd mysql shell> useradd -g mysql mysql shell> tar zxf mysql-VERSION.tar.gz shell> cd mysql-VERSION shell> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/mysql shell> make shell> make install shell> cp support-files/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf shell> cd /usr/local/mysql s ...
The SHOW STATUS command allows you to view a snapshot of the many (over 120) internal status counters that MySQL maintains. These counters track particular events in MySQL.   A.1.1 Thread and Connection Statistics Just because connections to MySQL are very lightweight doesn't excuse applicat ...

Axis2 notes

  • Java
1. set env var: JAVA_HOME, AXIS2_HOME(setenv.sh) path: AXIS2_HOME/bin 2. start up standard alone axis server: $AXIS2_HOME/bin/axis2server.sh http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/ 3. ant create.war ($AXIS_HOME/webapp/build.xml) -> $AXIS2_HOME/dist/axis2.war 4. axis2.sh [-options] class [args...]    ...


Understanding the difference between current-line addressing in ed and global-line addressing in sed is very important. In ed you use addressing to expand the number of lines that are the object of a command; in sed, you use addressing to restrict the number of lines affected by a command. command [o ...


#prompt > echo $PS1 #searches manpage names and descriptions for regular expressions suplied as arguments. > apropos music > stat -c '%A %h %U %G %s %y %n' /tmp/studio > find /tmp/ -name test.cpp -printf '%m %n %u %g %t %p' #I won't pay $5 for coffee. > echo 'I won'\''t pay $5 for co ...
Usage: ./httpd [-D name] [-d directory] [-f file]               [-C "directive"] [-c "directive"]               [-k start|restart|graceful|stop]               [-v] [-V] [-h] [-l] [-L] [-t] [-S]Options:  -D name           : define a name for use in <IfDefine name> directives  ...
The MySQL server receives queries in the SQL format. Once a query is received, it first needs to be parsed, which involves translating it from what is essentially a textual format into a combination of internal binary structures that can be easily manipulated by the optimizer. MySQL's optimizer has s ...
High-level view of MySQL modules   执行mysql命令后,MySQL 的初始化模块就从系统配置文件中读取系统参数和命令行参数,并按照参数来初始化整个系统,如申请并分配buffer,初始化全局变量,以及各种结构等。同时各个存储引擎也被启动,并进行各自的初始化工作。当整个系统初始化结束后,由连接管理模块接手。连接管理模块会启动处理客户端连接请求的监听程序,包括tcp/ip 的网络监听,还有unix 的socket。这时候,MySQL Server 就基本启动完成,准备好接受客户端请求了。   当连接管理模块监听到客户端的连接请求(借助网络交互模块的相关功 ...
1. A proper locking mechanism is necessary to ensure data consistency when there is a possibility of multiple clients accessing and possibly modifying the same data at the same time.2. table-level locks, page-level locks, and row-level locks3. MyISAM and MEMORY storage engines can only work with tabl ...
> dfisk -l> df -T -h> mount> cat /etc/fstab
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