[转] Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site
- Minimize HTTP Requests
- Use a Content Delivery Network
- Add an Expires or a Cache-Control Header
- Gzip Components
- Put Stylesheets at the Top
- Put Scripts at the Bottom
- Avoid CSS Expressions
- Make JavaScript and CSS External
- Reduce DNS Lookups
- Minify JavaScript and CSS
- Avoid Redirects
- Remove Duplicate Scripts
- Configure ETags
- Make Ajax Cacheable
- Flush the Buffer Early
- Use GET for AJAX Requests
- Post-load Components
- Preload Components
- Reduce the Number of DOM Elements
- Split Components Across Domains
- Minimize the Number of iframes
- No 404s
- Reduce Cookie Size
- Use Cookie-free Domains for Components
- Minimize DOM Access
- Develop Smart Event Handlers
- Choose <link> over @import
- Avoid Filters
- Optimize Images
- Optimize CSS Sprites
- Don't Scale Images in HTML
- Make favicon.ico Small and Cacheable
- Keep Components under 25K
- Pack Components into a Multipart Document
### 网站优化资料:Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site #### 一、引言 随着互联网的发展,用户体验成为衡量网站成功与否的重要因素之一。网页加载速度直接影响着用户体验和搜索引擎排名。为了帮助...
这是一篇介绍网站优化最佳实践的文章。文章为Yahoo发布在网上的,可以在其...值得每个Web设计人员参考。 原文网址为:http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html 我就是把它压成了PDF,方便随时观看复习。
Chapter 9: Best Practices for Function-Based Views Chapter 10: Best Practices for Class-Based Views Chapter 11: Form Fundamentals Chapter 12: Common Patterns for Forms Chapter 13: Templates: Best ...
雅虎的工程师团队曾经给出过 35 个最佳实践,可以参照Best Practices for Speeding Up Your Web Site。同时,他们还发布了一个相应的测试工具 Yslow。这些最佳实践和工具对于网站开发人员非常重要,可以帮助他们更好...
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