There are typically two reasons that a server will show high load and become unresponsive: CPU and disc utilization. On a rare occasion it's something like a hardware error causing a disc to become unresponsive. There are some great tools for tracking and isolating these issues, as long as you kno ...
Reflection on Tigerby Michael Nascimento Santos
from http://today.java.net/lpt/a/46
Much has been written about the new language features in J2SE 1.5, Tiger. Many, such as the introduction of enums, generics, and metadata, involve changing bytecode. These additions to the language re ...
Code by Any Other Name
Reflecting generics
by Ian Robertson
June 23, 2007
Type arguments to generic classes are not available for reflection at runtime - or are they? The type arguments for statically declared types can be discovered at runtime. A look at how to do this, and why you might wa ...