感谢JE(JavaEye) tv! TB(TuringBook) tv! 本来早在前两天就到了的, 不过由于事情太多, 就选在这个中秋月圆之夜和JavaEye的坛子们共同分享我的喜悦! 早在学生时代就和JavaEye结缘, 在上面灌过水, 找过工作, 不过能在JavaEye获奖还真是第一次!很高兴, 也很兴奋! 问答比赛也是很锻炼人的, 不仅能温习以前一些不太注重的东西, 而且还能考验你在工作中对时间的分配能力. 我算是尝到这种苦果了, 也许是自己太逞强, 比赛结束后, 我整整赶了一个星期的工作, 哈哈! 不过有失必有得, 能拿冠军固然开心, 不过更要的是让我知道原来合理的把握工作时间和 ...
2008年5月19,我们将记住这一天——为表达全国各族人民对四川汶川大地震遇难同胞的深切哀悼,国务院决定,2008年5月19日至21日为全国哀悼日。在此期间,全国和各驻外机构下半旗志哀,停止公共娱乐活动,外交部和我国驻外使领馆设立吊唁簿。5月19日14时28分起,全国人民默哀3分钟,届时汽车、火车、舰船鸣笛,防空警报鸣响。" 上面这段话是我从别人的博客中拷过来的, 我从来都不认为我是一个懂得记录的人,但今天的我, 好想为自己留下点什么, 哪怕是抄下别人写下的话语。 生命, 给了我们太多的感动, 在汶川大地震期间, 我试着不去过度的关注那些新闻报道, 因为我怕, 哪怕是一点点,怕忍不住, ...
这几天一直在找实战的例子, 不过不是太简单就是太复杂, 官方文档上那个请假的例子也不是很全. 没有办法, 只好选用官方自带的例子(airline)了. 不过里面有几个东西不是很熟, 如OpenJpa, JAXB. 所以我在这里只借用它数据库的表结构 ...
查询缓存和二级缓存是有关联关系的,他们不是完全独立的两套东西。假如一个查询条件hql_1,第一次被执行的时候,它会从数据库取得数据,然后把查询条件作为key,把返回数据的所有id列表作为value(请注意仅仅是id)放到查询缓存中,同时整个结果集放到class缓存(也就是二级缓存), key是id,value是pojo对象。当你再次执行hql_1,它会从缓存中得到id列表,然后根据这些列表一个一个的到class缓存里面去找 pojo对象,如果找不到就向数据库发起查询。也就是说,如果二级缓存配置了超时时间(或者发呆时间),就有可能出现查询缓存命中了,获得了id列表,但是class里面相应的pojo ...
Spring Web Service支持多种传输协议来和SOAP进行绑定, 包括http, jms和email.最普遍的就是http协议了. 类似Spring MVC, Spring-WS也提供一个前端控制器MessageDispathcerServlet来处理来自客户端的请求, 但它的主要作用也就是解析WSDL文件的地址, 并且将实际的请求委托给它包装的一个MessageDispatcher对象.下面是从其官方文档上截下来的时序图:    

As a Child

  • Life
刚到公司不久, 看<<Chicken Soup>>时不知道怎么翻译下面这句话,请教一美女帮我翻的, 记下一笔, 哈哈!  As a child, I played school with my little cousins and friends just so I could practice for my future career. But what I didn't realize as a child was how expensive my dream was. 当我是孩子时,我和我的小表弟和朋友一起玩开学校的游戏就好象在实践我们的职业梦想。但是我作为一个孩子 ...
Spring Web Service是Spring社区基于Spring提供的一个关注于创建”文档驱动”的Web Service的模块, 它的主要目标是方便基于”契约优先”(Contract-First)的SOAP服务的开发. 好像没有多少人讨论, 大多数的话题都是围绕xfire, cxf, axis/axis2等主流 ...


  • Life
加菲猫语录 Money is not everything. There’s MasterCard & Visa. 钞票不是万能的,有时还需要信用卡。   One should love animals. They are so tasty. 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃。   Save water. Shower with your girlfriend. 要节约用水,尽量和女友一起洗澡。
Sometimes I find myself living life like a prison sentence---just doing time, trying to stay out of trouble, filling my days with activities and thoughts just for something to do. On those days I have forgotten how it feels to wonder about life; to wonder why we are there, to wonder where we might co ...
We are survivors. We are resilient. Within us is great strength, an ability to overcome and to endure. From pain we never deserved, we build walls to hold  in our secrets. Secrets that seem too difficult to face head-on. Secrets we fear, if shared, will only bring more pain. You have a choice and you ...
We make extensive lists. We make lists of all that is broken about ouselves; we also have long lists of what we should be doing, and aren't doing yet.We have lists of regrets, lists of complaints, and lists of "it will never happen. " But today, let us start a new list entitled All That Is ...
Some think he's a little strange. A week before my son was born; I rested against his fence and admired his flowers. He was quiet for a while and said, "I used to watch those through my window when I was in prison. " I protectively placed my hand over my unborn child. "I was a prisoner ...
The harsh winter winds call attention to themselves, and I am mindful of all the unpleasant aspects of the unfriendliest of seasons. Some memories of my unhappy childhood still linger within me, blowing icy blasts through my soul. I am aware of these, just as I am aware of the chill in the world arou ...
Dreams are surprisingly durable. Though forgotten, they will lie like dry seeds buried in desert sands, waiting. A dream may appear fragile and lifeless, but inside the parched husk waits lush creative potential. We sometimes forget these old dreams of ours, but they do not forget us. Spring rains ar ...
The more I recognize abundance as being meant for me, the more it will be true. An unconscious attitude of limitation and scarcity will find its way into my life if I allow it to. When I can see the prosperity in this world as a boundless supply, one in which I partake along with others, I open the c ...
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