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  • 来自: 西安
# # Installation script # # Prepare for compilation environment yum install -y groupinstall "Development Tools" # Create a build directory mkdir -p /opt/install/erlang # Prepare for compilation source cd /opt/install/erlang curl -o otp_src_R15B01.tar.gz http://www.erlang.org/download/otp_ ...
#!/bin/env bash ################################################################################# # WARNING - Read First Before Running This Script! # Running this script maybe HARMFUL to your system. Therefor, the user shall # carefully read all of this script and bear the relevant risks by # himse ...
# # Installation script # # Prepare for compilation environment yum install -y groupinstall "Development Tools" # Create a build directory mkdir -p /opt/install/php # Prepare for compilation source cd /opt/install/php curl -o php-5.4.3.tar.gz http://cn2.php.net/distributions/php-5.4.3.tar ...
# # Installation script # # Prepare for compilation environment yum install -y groupinstall "Development Tools" # Create a build directory mkdir -p /opt/install/httpd # Prepare for compilation source cd /opt/install/httpd curl -o httpd-2.4.2.tar.gz http://apache.etoak.com//httpd/httpd-2.4 ...
# # Installation script # # Prepare for compilation environment yum install -y groupinstall "Development Tools" # Create a build directory mkdir -p /opt/install/mysql # Prepare for compilation source cd /opt/install/mysql curl -o mysql-5.5.24.tar.gz http://ftp.iij.ad.jp/pub/db/mysql/Downl ...
1. 安装CentOS 5.5 X64版本,使用最小模式安装(只包含基本系统) yum -y update reboot uname -r rpm -q kernel rpm -e kernel-2.6.18-194.el5 shutdown now 2. 虚拟机内新建1块虚拟硬盘 fdisk /dev/sdb 为新硬盘分区并格式化 fdisk mkfs.ext3 修高fstab 自动加载硬盘分区 到 /opt/telenav /dev/sdb1 /opt/telenav ext3 defaults 1 2 yum install gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automak ...
大数据量的问题是很多面试笔试中经常出现的问题,比如 google、淘宝、百度、 腾讯 这样的一些涉及到海量数据的公司经常会问到。 下面的方法是我对海量数据的处理方法进行了一个一般性的总结,当然这些方法可能并不能完全覆盖所有的问题,但是这样的一些方法也基本可以处理绝大多数遇到的问题。下面的一些问题基本直接来源于公司的面试笔试题目,方法不一定最优,如果你有更好的处理方法,欢迎与我讨论。 1.Bloom filter 适用范围:可以用来实现数据字典,进行数据的判重,或者集合求交集 基本原理及要点: 对于原理来说很简单,位数组+k个独立hash函数。将hash函数对应的值的位数组置1,查找时如果 ...
在使用CXF或RESTEASY等框架构建REST方式的WEB SERVICE的应用时候 如: 使用JAXB注解定义一个返回的对象 @XmlRootElement(name = "user") @XmlType(propOrder = { "id", "nickName", "signature", "birthday", "gender" }) @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) public class GetRespons ...
使用Spring MVC REST 方式,希望使用如下的URL: /users/1 /users public class FreemarkerDispatcherServlet extends DispatcherServlet { public static final long serialVersionUID = -2440216393145762479L; private static final UrlPathHelper urlPathHelper = new UrlPathHelper(); private FreemarkerDecoratorSer ...
在dispatcher-servlet.xml里配置 <!-- Content Negotiating View Resolver --> <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.ContentNegotiatingViewResolver"> <property name="ignoreAcceptHeader" value="true" /> <property name="defaultContent ...
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