Hey, I have to blog about this one. It’s so funny it’s classic!
I came across an article on EclipseZone today that got me to really wonder what a native tab on Windows should look like. The article takes the tab control of Eclipse for an example. Eclipse’s editor and view tabs have a gradient-based rendering with the colors drawn from the system primary and seco ...
I’m currently working on an Eclipse RCP project, which is supposed to be mostly used by non-technical people. Actually in my company today, Eclipse RCP is the de facto technology for building all desktop applications - from developer workbench to everyday necessities. There are RCPs built for program ...
Today I used LiveHTTPHeaders to take a closer look at how the youtube video streams are directed to the browser. And I found that my previous attempt actually has some redundency in it. To get the flv video stream, simply request the URL: http://cache.googlevideo.com/get_video?video_id=${vid} where v ...
2个礼拜没有更新了。 现在blog的服务器空间是和朋友一起办的另外一个网站autoers.org合用的,一年前在上海服务器合租网买的。说起来autoers.org已经换了好几个国内服务器空间了,也受够了国内服务器商的低劣质量和服务。最惨的一次,由于共享服务器上有其他未知的“非法网站”,流量还很大,服务器资源被大量占用导致我们的网站速度很慢而且不稳定。最后服务器整个被公安端走了,来不及备份的数据全部丢失。 所以这次决定搬到国外服务器了。最近调查了一下国外web hosting服务商的情况,在web hosting unleashed上对比了几家最热门的服务商,最后选定了hostgator,因为是1 ...
Launchy真是个用了舍不得放下的小东西,可以双手不离键盘的打开电脑上几乎任何东西。而且,hack一番的话你还可以让Launchy干更多更有趣的事情。 比如,今天尝试成功了用Launchy发消息到饭否,方法如下。 先下载cURL。把curl.exe复制到系统path路径下,比如c:\windows 在Launchy建立了索引的某个directory下,新建文件fanfou.bat,内容如下@echo offcmd /c curl –basic –user loginname:password –data status=”%*” http://api.fanfou.com/statuses ...
Inspired by Downloading YouTube videos with a Perl one-liner, I’ve put together a piece of code to do the same thing with Groovy. Not as succinct as Perl. But figure out how much noise there will be in plain Java. 1: HttpURLConnection.setFollowRedirects(false) 2: def vid = (args[0] =~ (/(?< ...
This is my summary about the migration of my blog from JRoller to here. I’m a Java engineer working in China. So when I was looking for a free blogging service, JRoller was my natural choice, because 1. In China, Blogger, Wordpress, LiveJournal, and all other mainstream blogging sites are blocked. So ...
Hi, folks! So I’ve finally made up my mind to move my blog out of JRoller. Now this blog is on a domain and space owned by myself, which is virtually the best solution for blogging, which is also sadly non-free. Thanks to Feedburner, you feed reading monkeys don’t need to update your feed subscriptio ...

JRoller upgraded!

Wow! JRoller has upgraded to the latest Roller 3.1, and got a fresh facelift which is in harmony with the lovely DZone. The immediate difference I see with my blog is that my control panel is now partially in Chinese!:) But to my much disappointment, the awkward multi-language problem is still not fi ...

JRoller upgraded!

Wow! JRoller has upgraded to the latest Roller 3.1, and got a fresh facelift which is in harmony with the lovely DZone. The immediate difference I see with my blog is that my control panel is now partially in Chinese! But to my much disappointment, the awkward multi-language problem is still not fi ...
Last weekend, Project Zero officially unveiled its community site. Project Zero is a fresh new project from IBM which aims at the agile web development framework domain which is getting momentum very fast lately with the popular RoR and the promising newcomer Grails. Project Zero’s tagline is, “Zero ...
Last weekend, Project Zero officially unveiled its community site. Project Zero is a fresh new project from IBM which aims at the agile web development framework domain which is getting momentum very fast lately with the popular RoR and the promising newcomer Grails. Project Zero's tagline is, &quo ...
Last weekend, Project Zero officially unveiled its community site. Project Zero is a fresh new project from IBM which aims at the agile web development framework domain which is getting momentum very fast lately with the popular RoR and the promising newcomer Grails. Project Zero's tagline is, &qu ...
Windows Live Writer is really quite a nice tool for posting to blogs. But despite of my effort to get it to work with jroller, I’ve always failed. I have seen someone succeeded posting to jroller, but I always get the following error. Could anyone give me any hint what I’m doing wrong? Here’s what I ...
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