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J2SE 7 = 51 (0x33 hex),J2SE 6.0 = 50 (0x32 hex),J2SE 5.0 = 49 (0x31 hex),JDK 1.4 = 48 (0x30 hex),JDK 1.3 = 47 (0x2F hex),JDK 1.2 = 46 (0x2E hex),JDK 1.1 = 45 (0x2D hex).
安装 PHP 和 nginx 后,无法解析 PHP 文件。 其中,PHP 和 nginx 的编译安装 configure 如下: # PHP 5.3.9 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/php -- enable-fpm # nginx 1.0.11 ./configure --prefix=usr/local/nginx # 成功安装后,创建 php-fpm.conf 配置文件,删除 nginx.conf 中“pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on”部分 ...
1.下载grub4dos2.解压grldr.mbr,grldr,menu.lst三个文件到C盘根目录,注意是根目录哦!3.然后以管理员模式运行cmd,输入bcdedit /create /d “grub” /application bootsector会有一大串id,要记下,等下要用,然后:4.bcdedit /set {id} device partition=c:5.bc ...
关于多个窗口不同Session的作用就不说了,直接说步骤。 Firefox:编辑快捷方式的目标,后面加上 -p -no-remote Chrome:打开新的隐身窗口 IE:文件 --> 新的会话
Built-ins for hashes Page Contents keys values keys A sequence that contains all the lookup keys in the hash. Note that not all hashes support this (ask the programmer if a certain hash allows this or not). <#assign h = {"name":"mouse", &quo ...
Built-ins for sequences Page Contents first last seq_contains seq_index_of seq_last_index_of reverse size sort sort_by chunk first The first subvariable of the sequence. Template processing will die with error if the sequence is empty. last The last subvariable of the sequ ...
Built-ins for booleans string (when used with a boolean value) Converts a boolean to a string. You can use it in two ways: As foo?string: This will convert the boolean to string using the default strings for representing true and false values. By default, true is rendered as "true" ...
Built-ins for dates Page Contents string (when used with a date value) date, time, datetime (when used with a date value) iso_... string (when used with a date value) This built-in converts a date to a string, with the specified formatting. (when the default format dictated by the ...
Built-ins for numbers Page Contents Intro. c string (when used with a numerical value) round, floor, ceiling Related FAQs: Do you have things like 1,000,000 or 1 000 000 instead of 1000000, or something like 3.14 instead of 3,14 or vice versa? See this and this FAQ entry, also note ...
Built-ins for strings Page Contents substring cap_first uncap_first capitalize chop_linebreak date, time, datetime ends_with html groups index_of j_string js_string json_string last_index_of length
vim /etc/vim/vimrc  去掉 syntax on 前面的双引号   bash vim ~/.bashrc  
applicationContext.xml   <context:property-placeholder location="classpath:sys.properties"/> <bean id="mongo" class="com.mongodb.Mongo"> <constructor-arg index="0" value="${ip}" /> <constructor-arg index="1" value ...
用sudo时提示"xxx is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.其中XXX是你的用户名,也就是你的用户名没有权限使用sudo,我们只要修改一下/etc/sudoers文件就行了。下面是修改方 法: 1)进入超级用户模式。也就是输入"su -",系统会让你输入超级用户密码,输入密码后就进入了超级用户模式。(当然,你也可以直接用root用)  2)添加文件的写权限。也就是输入命令"chmod u+w /etc/sudoers"。  ...
之前,我一直都是用的SVN作为我日常的版本控制工具,诸如代码啊文档啊之类的东西。至于CVS 这么复古的版本控制工具更是没有机会去尝试。说到SVN控制版本的话,作为托管服务商比较好的就有google code,本人也一直在使用。最近,由于一些项目的原因,了解到了另外一个版本控制工具Hg,当然Hg不是它的原名,原名叫Mercurial ,都是水银的意思,所以通常称呼为Hg。 与集中式版本控制工具SVN不同的是,Hg是一种分布式版本控制工具。除了Hg,还有大名鼎鼎的Git 也是分布式版本控制工具。想要更具体的了解版本控制工具的,推荐阅读胡凯《为什么我们要放弃Subversion 》, 风云 ...
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