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今天听一位大神提到线程安全与ThreadLocal,由于对ThreadLocal不太了解,就上网搜了一下,看到了很多人的文章,写得很复杂,众说纷纭,于是自己去看了下Oracle的文档,关于ThreadLocal有下面一段话。 This class provides thread-local variable ...
Lambda Expressions enable you to encapsulate a single unit of behavior and pass it to other code. You can use a lambda expressions if you want a certain action performed on each element of a collection, when a process is completed, or when a process encounters an error. Lambda Expressions使得你可以封装一个单个的 ...
Method References are compact, easy-to-read lambda expressions for methods that already have a name. Method References是轻便易读的代表已经存在的方法的lambda表达式。 在java8种我们利用lambda式去生成一个类似匿名内部类的instance,而lambda式实际上就是一个方法的定义。这时候,如果我们不是在lambda式里面自己写方法的定义,而是引用一个已经存在的方法的时候,就可以用java8的新特性之一,Method References(方法参照?)。 比如下面这 ...
Default Methods enable you to add new functionality to the interfaces of your libraries and ensure binary compatibility with code written for older versions of those interfaces. They are interface methods that have an implementation and the default keyword at the beginning of the method signature. In ...
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