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declare test_cursor cursor scroll for select id from member open  test_cursor declare @id int while @@FETCH_STATUS=0 begin print @id update member set mobile = cast(rand()*100000000000 as bigint) where id=@id ; fetch next from test_cursor into @id end close test_cursor deallocate test_cursor
1.内部类可以作为一个帮助类实现: public class DataStructure {     // create an array     private final static int SIZE = 15;     private int[] arrayOfInts = new int[SIZE];         public DataStructure() {         // fill the array with ascending integer values         for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {            ...
嵌套类 1.在Java中如下形式一个类里面包含的类称之为嵌套类 例子: class OuterClass {     ...     class NestedClass {         ...     } } 2.嵌套类分为2类:              1.静态嵌套类              2.非静态嵌套类(又称为内部类) 嵌套类是它的封装类的成员变量。非静态嵌套类(内部类)可以访问它封装类的其他所有成员变量(包括private的);静态嵌套类不能访问它封装类的其他成员变量。就像类OuterClass中的成员变量一样,嵌套类可以声明为 private 、 protected、pu ...
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