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应该是个bug,Google最近在忙什么,不把原来的产品做好... 解决方法很简单,把日历的名字改成纯字母的,避免特殊符号就行了...
1) 调节风扇转速(install thinkfan) refer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1872633 1. enable power saving render, active state power mgmt: in /etc/default/grub Code: 引用GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash pcie_aspm=force i915.i915_enable_rc6=1" 2. update grub Code: 引用update-grub 3. re ...
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5038ce7a0100qfyj.html Thinkpad T410 安装 Ubuntu10.04 (2011-03-06 14:43:06)转载▼ 标签: linux ubuntu 10.04 thinkpadt410 杂谈 分类: Linux Thinkpad T410 下安装 Ubuntu10.04 移动硬盘上安装Ubuntu备忘 ======================================== 1. 系统安装 ========================================     ...


  • ICT
with cpp, java, python make install搞了N次,Ant总提示JAVA_HOME不对 最后看这篇博文http://jayant7k.blogspot.com/2010/04/intro-to-thrift.html原来需要管理员权限,su一下,再export JAVA_HOME... 另外make自带的tutorial cpp的时候总提示undefined reference... 原来是G++版本的问题...最后我是用4.4.6版本搞定的 see http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/thrift-user/201 ...
/** * @brief Finds the first position in which @a val could be inserted * without changing the ordering. * @param first An iterator. * @param last Another iterator. * @param val The search term. * @return An iterator pointing to the first e ...

HDU 3954

  • ICPC
线段树变种,也是在2logn段上面做文章 /* * Author: rush * Filename: hdu3954.cpp * Timestamp: 2012-02-04 23:26:50 CST */ #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #incl ...

HDU 4027

  • ICPC
线段树变种 在2logn段上面做文章,swap(x, y)太阴了... /* * Author: rush * Filename: segment_sum2.cpp * Timestamp: 2012-02-04 19:12:20 CST */ #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include & ...
PROG := _test_keyword_extractor SRCS := g_keyword_extractor.c _test_keyword_extractor.c DEPS := generic OBJS := ${SRCS:%.c=%.o} # Compiler and flags CC := g++ LD := g++ INCLUDE_DIR := /home/rush/Studio/generic-dist/include LIB_DIR := /home/rush/Studio/generic-dist/lib CXX_FLAGS := ...

VNC Server配置

  • ICT
参见 http://bobpeers.com/linux/vnc 1) 添加用户 $ vim /etc/sysconfig/vncservers # The VNCSERVERS variable is a list of display:user pairs. # # Uncomment the lines below to start a VNC server on display :2 # as my 'myusername' (adjust this to your own). You will also # need to set a VNC password; run ...
def login(): cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) login_url = r'http://zhixing.bjtu.edu.cn/member.php?mod=logging&action=login&loginsubmit=yes&infloat=yes&lssubmit=yes&inajax=1' login_data = urllib.urlencod ...
1、安装,初步使用, 2目前该开源项目的开发状况,代码量,业界使用状况 3、调研其设计机制(内存管理,数据持久化,分布式存储管理等),功能,性能 4、测试 接下来就是调研membase。membase具有持久化存储,分布式集群管理的功能。使用了erlang和C++作为开发语言,erlang用来管理集群和分布式存储,C++用来实现具体的存储。关于membase的调研内容有: 1、membase的功能(文字性描述) 2、membase的特点(功能和性能,文字性描述) 3、membase的架构(文字性描述) 4、membaseAPI介绍(实验性,代码示例,结果展示) 5、memb ...
实验室不给root权限的纠结的配置 ./configure --prefix=/home/michael/bin --with-boost=/home/michael/lib/boost_1_47_0 --with-libevent=/home/michael/bin/ --without-python --with-cpp --without-csharp --with-java --without-erlang --without-perl --without-php --without-php_extension --without-ruby --without-haskell -- ...


  • vim
1 " vimrc by digiter@126.com 2 3 " General 4 set encoding=UTF8 5 set fileencodings=UTF8,GBK " text encoding 6 set nocompatible " not compatible vith vi 7 set autoread " auto load file modified outside 8 filetype plugin i ...

SSH 不输入密码登录

  • ICT
ssh-keygen -t rsa ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub username@myurl
hardstatus alwayslastline hardstatus string "%{.bW}%-w%{.rY}%n %t%{-}%+w %=%{..G} %c:%s " startup_message off vbell off bind ' ' title screen是个好东西,这几天一直在用它。 假如遇到一些比较费时间的程序,但是又不能一直开着电脑观察他,总要下班关电脑走人的说,这时screen就派上用场了。 1.如果在screenCRT中开启窗口,然后运行一个程序,当注销时,程序会自动毁掉。 2.使用nohup可以解决此问题,把程序放到后台 ...
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