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网络地址本为用户提供三种数据同步方式: 1.地址本备份(上传):用户通过点击手机终端上的“备份”菜单实现手机终端数据全量备份到服务器上,并且服务器上原来的所有地址本数据将被自动删除到回收站中,使得终端与服务器上的地址本数据保持一致;采用OMA SyncML DS 协议定义的“客户端刷新同步(Refresh Sync from Client Only)”方式实现。 2.地址本恢复(下载):用户通过点击手机终端上的“恢复”菜单实现手机终端数据全量备份到服务器上,并且服务器会对数据进行比对分析将服务器原来有而手机终端没有的地址本数据恢复到手机终端上,使得终端与服务器上的地址本数据保持一致;采用OMA ...
1.Refactoring http://sourcemaking.com/refactoring 2.Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern http://martinfowler.com/articles/injection.html 3.ConCurrentHashMap http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-jtp08223/
Sometimes you want to make a good impression with everyone and seem like you're interested in the rest of the group. Especially when you've just met some new people, it's usually better to lean towards the outgoing end of the scale. Getting that "quiet" label often works against those plans ...
1.Continuous Integration http://martinfowler.com/articles/continuousIntegration.html
1.CSS Block vs Inline CSS Display Styles http://www.webdesignfromscratch.com/html-css/css-block-and-inline/ 2.Containing Floats http://www.complexspiral.com/publications/containing-floats/ http://css-tricks.com/all-about-floats/ 3.CSS Positioning http://www.vanseodesign.com/css/css-positioning/ 4 ...
As many of you must have read or realised(i did) while working with it, MS Internet Explorer doesn't allow you to set the innerHTML property of any table related tag(table, thead, tbody, tr except for td). It says "Unknown Runtime Exception". You are provided with explicit methods to handle ...
第一步:建立一个新的txt文档,将如下代码全部复制进去!!!! // bookmark_page.js, ver. 1.0 // visit: www.pdfhacks.com/bookmark_page/ // edit:cjs 2008-02-17 // 1 修改为中文标签 // 2 设置书签时可以自动获取当前的书名 // 3 自动获取当前所在的页码与总页数,方便查阅 // 4 实现更多功能可以参看Adobe Reader的SDK // use this delimiter for serializing our array var bp_delim= '%#%# ...
This is a problem I’ve come across frequently, and since it has come up again recently, I thought I’d explore this issue in the hope that it will save others some trouble. There are so many problems that this one issue can lead to that it’s baffling browsers still behave this way. The issue? An HTML ...
关于Hibernate中 cascade 与 inverse 的理解。 您买的Hibernate书是哪一本呢? 孙卫琴的精通Hibernate,还是 深入浅出Hibernate还是那本。。。 我是两本都买了,总体来说还可以,但是,有的地方讲的比较书面化,比如inverse这属性。 在学 ...
import java.io.StringWriter; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; import org.w3c.dom.Document; public class ...
public class Super { } public class Sub extends Super { } public class A {             public void fun(Super s){             System.out.println("A");       } } public class B extends A {       public void fun(Sub s){ // 这是对A.fun(Super s)的重载 ...
问题: 断言可以用于验证传递给私有方法的参数。不过,断言不应该用于验证传递给公有方法的参数,因为不管是否启用了断言,公有方法都必须检查其参数。 回答: 方法根据存取修饰符分为两类 1) public方法和protected方法 2) private方法和缺省修饰方法 第一类方法是可以被外包中的其他类访问的,是对外公开的。第二类方法是当前类或者本包中的类才可以访问的,是不对外公开的。对外公开的方法的调用端可能是其他开发人员及其他们编写的程序,他们不会知道作为作者的你在这个方法里面是如何验证以及检查参数的,所以所有相关的验证以及检查参数的代码在这个方法里面就不能省略。比如 public clas ...
/* tranlsate(GHIJABDE,12/31/1999, ABCDEFGHIJ ) -> 19991231 translate(AB-GHIJ, 12/31/1999, ABCDEFGHIJ) ->12-1999 translate(GHIJ-AB-DE, 12/31/1999, ABCDEFGHIJ) ->1999-12-31 For each character of the input, if that character is found in InTable,it is replaced with the character from OutTable */ ...
1.设有n个人依围成一圈,从第1个人开始报数,数到第m个人出列,然后从出列的下一个人开始报数,数到第m个人又出列,…,如此反复到所有的人全部出列为止。设n个人的编号分别为1,2,…,n,打印出出列的顺序 2.一只公鸡5块钱,一只母鸡3块钱,3只小鸡一块钱,一个农夫用100块钱买100只鸡(不许解方程),怎么实现? 3.编写一个截取字符串的函数,输入为一个字符串和字节数,输出为按字节截取的字符串。 但是要保证汉字不被截半个,如"我ABC"4,应该截为"我AB",输入"我ABC汉DEF",6,应该输出为"我ABC"而不是 ...
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