android view 的使用
- 博客分类:
- android
view 中有个setTag()函数,可以用来保存数据的。
Sets the tag associated with this view. A tag can be used to mark a view in its hierarchy and does not have to be unique within the hierarchy. Tags can also be used to store data within a view without resorting to another data structure.
设置一个 tag(标签,附属物) ...
jquery 获取outterHTML 方法:
outerHtml : function(oh){
return $('<div></div>').append(oh.clone()).html();
2. 当没有API操作一些JQUERY控件的时候。需要添加一些按钮一类可以用:
var ulNode = $("#ulList");
var nd = $("<li></li>");
$.extend(nd, ulNode.children( ...